Answers to Prayer
Prayer Books by
George Mueller
Prayer has always been a vital component of George Muller’s ministry in the 19th century. In Answers to Prayer, the author reveals the spiritual characteristics of praying that ends in rewarding the prayer in many ways. Muller lived a life that was devotional and dependent upon God and one of his chief rules in life was never to tell other’s needs and only ask God for help. This book is similar to a journal, a collection of excerpts that describe how God did answer Muller’s prayers, narrating such powerful ways in which God provided; encouraging and touching the readers, inspiring, encouraging and challenging them. Agreed with many that this book is a powerful account of God’s faithfulness towards his children and inspired by the author’s personal experiences, Answers to Prayer is a brilliant testimony of the power of prayer that exhibits how a believer can appropriate the promises of God.

William R. Moody
Biography by
It is agreed by many that William R Moody lived for the glory of God and was devoted to spreading the Gospel. William was a Doctor of Divinity, the Bishop of Lexington, and an author of many books, including The Bishop Speaks His Mind. Starting in the Midwest United States, William became an influential figure who could draw out information from people. He quickly became an agent of change in shaping Christianity and its culture in the United States. William R. Moody lived a life in service to God that reflected in his ministry. His ministry was far-reaching and monumental as it centered on performance rather than the Gospel. William R. Moody rests among greats such as Charles Finney, who highlighted and encouraged the positivity in western society in the last two centuries. This biography preserves the memory and life of William, who was a marvelous teacher, learner and preacher.

George Mueller Bio
Biography by
Basil Miller
From his early days in jail as a thief to his participation in a regular group that met for Bible study, this biography is a fascinating introduction and documentation of the challenging and remarkable story of George Muller. A man with strong beliefs, Muller was raised in the absence of any concept of God, and his journey took many turns that ended up in him believing in God, not only for his needs but for the needs of thousands of orphans that he cared for. Muller’s life was debt-free, mostly on his knees, praying and seeking a stronger relationship with God. It is an example of consistency, simplicity, humility, trust and sole-dependence on God. Muller has been an inspirational man, a great prayer warrior, and this book is a pause. It is a button that clicks to reflect and assess the quality of one’s devotion to the will of God.

George Mueller of Bristol
Biography by
Arthur T. Piersonn
George Muller of Bristol is the ultimate biography written by a friend and approved by Muller’s son in law. Arthur T. Pierson accounts for all the times when God provided for Muller and his ministry that cared for thousands of orphans. A godless youth transformed into a prayer warrior, Muller’s life was a series of miraculous events and proof of fruits of faithful companionship. His compassionate ministry changed the look of social endeavors and missionaries throughout the world. Muller has become a sort of hero of faith and a great example that challenges many to obey God in every way. His life not only realizes the life of living by faith but also serves as an inspiration to Christians today, as an example that highlights the possibility of conquering struggles. This book is a strong narrative of Muller’s life and that God is living God who listens, answers and blesses.

George Mueller – Man of Faith
Biography by
Basil Miller
George Mueller – Man of Faith states the remarkable and challenging story of a man who dared to believe that God both could and would supply all of his needs—whether personal or for the thousands of orphans in his care!Though confirmed in the church at the age of 14, George Muller was raised without a real concept of God. By the time he was 16, he was in jail as a vagabond and thief.In his early twenties he came in contact with a group of people who met regularly for prayer and Bible study.

Life and Teaching of Christ
Biography by
Mark Perkins
Mark Perkins has been a pastor for 20 years, and he taught Bible for over 4000 hours. His education in Bible literature, the theological seminary and classical literature make him a person with a wealth of knowledge and an author with immense command on the subject matter. The book starts with Mark Perkin’s historical introduction to the beginning and the word of God, encompassing a worldwide view of the psychology of the world. The book offers a strong perspective on the eternal fight between light and dark. The author accounts for the origin, person and work of Jesus Christ. He also points out Christ’s joint role with people that have played a part in our understanding of the everlasting fight between light and dark. The book personifies the hundreds of years in which historical societies have lived before Christ, under Christ and then influenced by Christ’s teachings after his death.

Life of Dr John Owen
Biography by
Andrew Thompson
In this book, Andrew Thompson meticulously details the spiritual experiences of Dr. John Owen, a literary giant, an influential figure and arguably one of the most accomplished British theologians till today. Andrew traces the story of John, from his birth in Stadhampton, his ministry in Coggeshall, being a pastor in London to his service as vice-chancellor of Oxford University. This book honors a legacy of an eminent figure that possessed brilliance. The author draws from contemporary records, historical statements and early reminiscences of John’s life to build an accurate case. Andrew’s intimate touches give the book an unconscious flavor as it is like an autobiography. This style reflects Andrew’s ability to transform research material and solid judgment into a captivating preface that is his signature and apparent in his works. Andrew’s allowance of biographical tone and honesty is perhaps the best way to capture an excellent sketch of John’s life.

Life of John Carey
Biography by
George Emith
The Life of John Carey Shoemaker & Missionary by George Smith Carey didn’t stop there: in 1792 he organized a missionary society, and at its inaugural meeting preached a sermon with the call, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God!” Within a year, Carey, John Thomas (a former surgeon), and Carey’s family (which now included three boys, and another child on the way) were on a ship headed for India. .”