The Appointed times of Jesus the Messiah
Feasts-Calendar by
God has divinely designed the salvation-centered role of Jesus the Messiah in accordance with the 70- week prophecy of Daniel nine and the “appointed times” of His holy days. Each key event in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ—from His birth to His second coming to establish the millennial age—has been correlated to various aspects of the three festival seasons. Indeed, it is only within this unique framework of God’s “appointed times” that the pivotal role of Jesus as the Messiah can be rightly understood.

Light in the darkness
Calendar-Feasts by
Anthology FFOZ
Hanukkah is the Festival of Light. The Master told His disciples, “I am the light of the world.” On another occasion, He instructed them, “You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before men in such a way that
they may see your good works (mitzvot), and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). In the same way, it is traditional to place the Hanukkah menorah (candelabrum) in a window so that its light radiates outward and illuminates the darkness of the outside world. So may it be with us.

Jesus Christ The Real Story
Hebrew Roots by
Some claim He is only a myth, while others say He was merely a man. But who was the real Jesus Christ? And what does His life and message mean today? Confusion about Jesus abounds! Some believe He was merely an influential preacher in the first century. A few claim that He never existed and is only a myth! But who was the real Jesus Christ? Have you ever looked at what the Bible actually says about Jesus? What was He doing when He was on planet Earth—and what is He doing now for you, and for your future? The story of Jesus Christ goes much deeper than His crucifixion and resurrection. Few will dispute that a man named Jesus Christ lived 2,000 years ago and that He was a great teacher ”

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ
History – Hebrew Roots by
Emil Schurer
This classic work includes extensive essays on the Roman political system and its leaders, the political and religious parties of Judaism, messianic movements, and pertinent Greek and Jewish literature—including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha—from the centuries before and after Christ. This five-volume set is the original edition of Schurer’s landmark work, including the original index. This set consists of two divisions: Division One, volumes 1 and 2; and Division Two, volumes 1, 2, and 3.

A History of Jewish People
History by
Emil Schurer
Critical presentation of the whole evidence concerning Jewish history, institutions, and literature from 175 BC to AD 135; with updated bibliographies.

Ancient Jewish Proverbs
Reference by
Abraham Cohen
This entry in the Wisdom of the East series is a treasury of traditional Jewish proverbs, mostly extracted from the Talmud and Mishna.

Exegeting Galatians
Doctrine by
Ariel Ben-Lyman Hanaviy
In the book of Galatians, Paul had used many technical words and phrases in the Hebrew language. Unfortunately, these words had a tendency to be greatly misinterpreted if taken out of the 1st century Judaic context. As a result, some interpreters teach concepts that were almost the opposite of their original purpose.
HaNaviy is a Jew who teaches Torah from a Messianic perspective. He doesn’t claim to uncover the whole truth in the book of Galatians. But he is challenging us to take a scientific approach to understand how the believers in Galatia would have taken up the message of Paul. By doing so, we stand a better chance of understanding Paul’s puzzling instructions. Because without the proper background, we will misread the Apostles to the Gentiles. So let’s read Exegeting Galatians and see this epistle with fresh eyes.

Shorter Comentary on Galations
Doctrine by
Don Garlington
Historically, the book of Galatians has been widely misunderstood, due largely to the technical discussions of biblical topics ranging from circumcision to the Torah, to freedom in Christ. A contextual study of Galatians will help to unravel the letter for both Christians and Jews. Associating Pharisaism with Moses, the phrase“works of law”(especially in Galatians)is quite misunderstood in mainstream Christianity—particularly consider in the Protestant belief that the Law has been somehow null if led by Jesus’ sacrifice. According to such skewed theology, on one side of the fence is Moses and the Torah—the Pharisees, represent at lives of that “Old Testament religion.” On the other side is Jesus, Paul and grace.