My Sermon Notes
Hermeneutics by
Charles Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon is a Reformed Baptists preacher, but his influence didn’t stop within his denomination. He is highly influential even among the Christians of other denominations, which earned him the “Prince of Preachers” title. This collection contains the complete set of his sermon notes that were first published in 1884. It holds 264 sermon outlines delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, the church he served for 38 years. These notes can provide a great addition to your spiritual library because they get to the heart of the matter. They also reveal the process by which Spurgeon prepared his renowned sermons. So, let’s get inside Spurgeon’s head as he let himself be led by the Holy Spirit.

Old Testament Types and Teachings
Reference by
Hannah Whitall Smith
Book by book study of the Old Testament and how they point to the New Testament (with referenced verses). But I have found in my own heart, and in the hearts of many others, a certain spiritual sense which has led us instinctively to accept and enjoy this application of the Old Testament Scriptures, and it is to such I speak in this book. Nor are we without large warrant in the New Testament for this typical or symbolical interpretation, as in many instances the inspired writers there, make just such an application of the Old Testament narratives. Notice especially the positive declaration made in 1 Cor. x. 1-11 concerning the story of the children of Israel: “Now all these things were our types;” and again, “Now all these things happened unto them for types.”

Why Four Gospels
Reference by
AW Pink
In his book, Why Four Gospels, Arthur Pink explains how the four Gospels necessarily work together to paint a multi-faceted picture of Jesus. In Matthew, we see Jesus as the Son of David, King of the Jews. In Mark, Jesus is presented as the Servant of Jehovah. In Luke, we see Jesus as the Son of Man, Adam’s descendent. Finally, John presents Jesus as the Son of God, emphasizing Jesus’ relationship with the Divine. Christ fulfilled four distinct roles during his time on earth, and these four roles are illustrated in the four distinct Gospels.

Exegeting Galatians
Doctrine by
Ariel Ben-Lyman Hanaviy
In the book of Galatians, Paul had used many technical words and phrases in the Hebrew language. Unfortunately, these words had a tendency to be greatly misinterpreted if taken out of the 1st century Judaic context. As a result, some interpreters teach concepts that were almost the opposite of their original purpose.
HaNaviy is a Jew who teaches Torah from a Messianic perspective. He doesn’t claim to uncover the whole truth in the book of Galatians. But he is challenging us to take a scientific approach to understand how the believers in Galatia would have taken up the message of Paul. By doing so, we stand a better chance of understanding Paul’s puzzling instructions. Because without the proper background, we will misread the Apostles to the Gentiles. So let’s read Exegeting Galatians and see this epistle with fresh eyes.

Golden Alphabet
Hermeneutics by
Charles H.Spurgeon
The Bible, written in the Hebrew language, has used around 8,000 words only. But despite its limited number of words, it is a rich language because of its variations and combinations of meaning. At first glance, Psalm 119 may look redundant, but the author used those limited words in fresh ways that exhibit another shade of meaning. For example, in one verse, the psalmist is bearing witness; in the next verse, he is praising; and in the third verse, he is praying. This commentary about Psalm 119 is not published initially as one book but a part of a book. But since only huge libraries can hold such a series of thick volumes, small parts were printed separately to find their way to the hands of simple readers. It is the ardent hope of the author that this book may help fan the flames in our hearts to worship God.

Inspiration and Authority of the Bible
History by
B.B. Warfield
How does an ancient writing influence the world even today? How legitimate are the claims that it conveys divine revelations even if humans wrote it? To whom will you listen when it comes to the validation of this ancient writing?
The authority of the Bible was compromised because of two extremities. Firstly, by the elitist theologians and preachers who claimed unusual gifting. And secondly, by modern biblical scholars who had proven the human authorship of the Bible but proceeded with stripping its authenticity, miracles, and historical interventions of God.
True to his name, Warfield fought wars in the religious battlefield by deflecting the attacks of modernist and higher biblical critics about the divine revelation of God. He defended the belief that although the writers are human, the ultimate author is God himself. Warfield emphasized that the authors wrote down what God dictated to them through the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Homiletics by
Jonathan Edwards
Where will you stand in the judgment? With the sheep or the goats? These are some of the striking thoughts the book, Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards would ponder reader’s mind.
This book holds reminders of what the Bible stated about sin and sinful men if they insist on doing things their way and according to their creeds, beliefs, and practices. The book offers a lot of spiritual depth and insight that you don’t see very often in today’s sermons. It also has historical significance because Edwards is America’s only theologian and a pivotal figure in the country’s history.
Unlike some other ancient text reproductions, this book was able to maintain the quality of images such as portraits, maps, sketches, and others, so that it correctly portrays the original item.

My Sermon Notes
Homiletics by
Charles H. Spurgeon
This book outlines the hundreds of sermons given by Charles Haddon Spurgeon to hundreds of people. It includes highlights from the Bible, and provides a unique outlook on sermon preparation, drawing from Spurgeon’s method. Divided into four volumes, the book provides insight and advice on selecting texts, curating themes and planning the framework of sermons. The book is a good resource filled with outlines ad illustrations by Spurgeon as well as anecdotes from old and new Testaments. An indefatigable preacher, Charles dedicated his life to forward the work of the Church and defending faith. His sermons never compromised on quality even when he preached around 100,000,000 people every week. His intellect and passion for truth and love for God shine through his works, and this book is a gem of insight for study groups, people looking for inspiration, preachers looking for understanding and devotional leaders whose hearts crave scriptural truth.