Talking to God: Theology of Prayer
Theology of Prayer by
Thomas L. Constable
Theology of Prayer identifies the alternatives that are passed as prayer missing out its essence and that could be the reason behind unanswered prayers. Thomas Constable initiates a conversation on the conditions associated with a prayer, he also presents detailed analyses of other methods of communication with God and how we can access a greater meaning if we pay attention. Talking to God holds a unique place in literature because although there many books on prayer, there are few on its theology. This book addresses almost all the aspects of praying, even the difficult ones such as unanswered prayers. At its core, Thomas puts forward Bible’s message which is a clear ordination by God to pray, the purpose being the prosperity of the person and in turn, the kingdom. The book tells you all that you always wanted to know about praying, it is a book that shows no hesitation.