An Alarm to the Unconverted
Christian life by
Joseph Alleine
An Alarm to the Unconverted is a pressing exposition by English Nonconformist pastor Joseph Alleine on converting sinners to the Christian faith. Known for his fiery sermons, he puts a passionate emphasis on dismantling misconceptions on conversion and how it all leads to eternal salvation. What is the definition of conversion, what does it resemble, and what difference does it make? Alleine answers these and other issues, pleading with the unconverted to accept Christ. This emotional appeal contrasts the life of a believer with the eternity that awaits those who are not in Christ and explains not just why but also how to devote your life to Him. An Alarm to the Unconverted has been credited by tens of thousands, if not millions, of Christians as having opened their eyes to their unconverted state of being. These passionate remarks have pierced the hearts of both the mundane and the great.