Where Art Thou
Christian Living by J.C. Ryle
The book examines Happiness as a gift of God that comes from fully following Him. He asks his readers’ questions that put their consciousness to test; he explains the growth of a hopeful believer and the tender comfort and heavenly frame of a clear mind. In the strangest times we live in, Ryle asks his readers to actively consider the salvation of their immortal soul when they stand before the judgment seat of God. Ryle further comments on spirits that are in slumber, those who are at ease and self-content. He asses the most common situation of modern times; people have room for everything but God; they make space for business and pleasure yet no admission for Jesus and the Spirit. ‘Where Art Thou’ can be taken as a mission to spread the word of the bible and to ask the most important questions of grace, conversation, justification and holiness.