New Covenant in Christ
Doctrine – Theology by
Stanford E. Murrell
What does living during the first century and walking with Christ look like? Would we recognize him as the promised Messiah if we lived in that era? Or would we be among the crowd who shout crucify him? Stanford Murrell began preaching as early as 14 years old. At 15, he was given a license to preach. At 18, he served as a Chaplain’s assistant in the US Army. His vocation has begun early and continues as a school teacher, school administrator, pastor, traveling evangelist, and author. In this book, he lets his readers travel through time by recapturing the moment Christ exists. He showed how a carpenter’s son was revealed to us as the Lord of lords and how God illuminated His wisdom through unlikely heroes like fishermen and a once-blinded Pharisee. If you want to feel what it looks like to walk in that era, download this book.