The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever
Biography by
Elmer Towns – Douglas Porter
The ten greatest revivals ever is a conclusion of the collaboration between Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter. It is a fast-moving account of revivals that display the glory of God. Elmer and Douglas document divine interventions that have caused profound changes in culture and the Church throughout history. The book is a good reference for people obsessed with revival history and exploring God’s work in the world. The book accounts for the transformation of cities and countries in structured content for easy grasp. From Pentecost to Present, the authors rekindle the expectations of the faithful by narrating life-shaking experiences from the history when God touched the world. The authors encourage repentance for revival starts from within. This book evaluates the degree of influence of revivals so that it offers inspiration to its readers. The book is sympathetic to revival because it is written by people who are products of revival.