A Simple Way to Pray
Prayer by
Martin Luther
A Simple Way to Pray is a passage from the forty-third volume of Luther’s works in the American Edition. This book is a modern translation of Luther’s practical instruction, delivered through his ITCP method of instruction, thanksgiving, confession, and prayer.
Despite the fact that prayer is an essential part of the Christian life, many Christians struggle with it. When Luther’s barber and close friend Peter Beskendorf requested practical guidance on how to pray, he wrote this brief essay, which was first published in 1535.
This method centers prayer on the catechism or other biblical passages, but it also allows the Holy Spirit to stimulate thoughts through the Word, which the mind can chase more freely during prayer. Readers’ prayer life will be renewed and energized as they gain confidence in praying to God. Pastors may purchase in bulk and distribute to members following pastoral care, confirmation, or church membership.