Redeemers Return
Prophecy by
A.W. Pink
A. W. Pink, the master of clear and thorough theology brings us the complete scriptural analysis of what to expect from the second coming of Christ.
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
A. W. Pink, the master of clear and thorough theology brings us the complete scriptural analysis of what to expect from the second coming of Christ.
With the organization of different sects of Christianity with various beliefs, it’s easy to get confused on which to believe in. The confusion piles up as time pass by, so what can we do to remove it? We can study the doctrine close to the era when Jesus lived.
In this book, Pullan presents the teachings of Christianity in its early years until the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. It covers essential theological thoughts such as Trinity, atonement, and sacraments. The author omitted some references and quotations, not to hide anything but only to concisely explain the concept. This simple format is best for most readers who want to understand the doctrine accepted by the early Christians. So let’s view how the Early Christians see the Word of God.
Some claim He is only a myth, while others say He was merely a man. But who was the real Jesus Christ? And what does His life and message mean today? Confusion about Jesus abounds! Some believe He was merely an influential preacher in the first century. A few claim that He never existed and is only a myth! But who was the real Jesus Christ? Have you ever looked at what the Bible actually says about Jesus? What was He doing when He was on planet Earth—and what is He doing now for you, and for your future? The story of Jesus Christ goes much deeper than His crucifixion and resurrection. Few will dispute that a man named Jesus Christ lived 2,000 years ago and that He was a great teacher ”
LORD TEACH US TO PRAY offers encouragement for a deeper, more intimate, and more intense prayer life. After some opening remarks, the book offers a penetrating and insightful analysis of the shining examples of prayer in the lives of Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul, and others. The author tells how he was inspired to pray on seeing Perthshire’s Schiehallion mountain covered in winter snow. Alexander Whyte was born in 1836 in Kirriemuir, Angus, and educated at King’s College, Aberdeen, and New College, Edinburgh. He served as a minister of the Free Church of Scotland in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, and later as principal of New College, Edinburgh. After the Bible, the writings of Puritan Thomas Goodwin were among his favorites. Whyte is most remembered as a powerful preacher. This book is a collection of his sermons given between 1895 and 1906.
Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation is a comprehensive survey of the religious, political, and social upheaval of the 16th century. This book examines the dramatic changes in the European religious landscape during the Reformation and explores the ideas and actions of the reformers who sparked the movement. This book provides an overview of the Protestant Reformation, including Martin Luther’s role and the contributions of other key figures such as Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin. The book also examines the impact of the Reformation on the Catholic Counter-Reformation and the wider world. Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation is an essential resource for students and scholars of Reformation history.
Martyrs’ Mirror or The Bloody Theater, first published in 1660 in Dutch by Thieleman J. van Braght. A classic book that documents the doctrines and the sufferings of the Christians who stood for their faith since the Ist century.
Book by book study of the Old Testament and how they point to the New Testament (with referenced verses). But I have found in my own heart, and in the hearts of many others, a certain spiritual sense which has led us instinctively to accept and enjoy this application of the Old Testament Scriptures, and it is to such I speak in this book. Nor are we without large warrant in the New Testament for this typical or symbolical interpretation, as in many instances the inspired writers there, make just such an application of the Old Testament narratives. Notice especially the positive declaration made in 1 Cor. x. 1-11 concerning the story of the children of Israel: “Now all these things were our types;” and again, “Now all these things happened unto them for types.”
Systematic theology is a discipline that formulates an organized and coherent explanation of Christian doctrines. It discusses biblical concepts about God’s nature and relation with His creations.
After two pastorates, Louis Berkhof taught as a professor in Calvin Seminary for 38 years. He emphasized that there is no way from man to God, but only from God to man. He also reiterated that God is always the subject and never an object. This book about systematic theology is a compilation of his earlier works. It is being used as a textbook in theological seminaries worldwide. Berkhof is a prolific writer who presented his theology in a clear, lively, and relatively comprehensible style that even an ordinary layman can understand. So let’s dig into this treasury which is labeled as Professor Berkhof’s most important work.
In this classic and highly influential collection, England’s Lord Bishop of Durham, J. B. Lightfoot, focuses all scholarly attention on the Apostolic Fathers, while making the texts accessible to a broader audience. From the stirring writings of the martyr Polycarp to the questions raised by Ignatius as to where congregations were heading, this text is both an informative window to the past and a relevant challenge to the Church today.
What is Spiritual Warfare? The book Holy War by John Bunyan unlocks understanding and ways on how to overcome this silent battle. It sets out to evoke the fall and salvation of mankind under the guise of a besieged city just like one of the Bible’s most reassuring themes – the triumph of good over evil. It demonstrates how even the most devout can be led astray by listening to the world at large rather than God’s letter to us, the Holy Bible. It is an intriguing narrative for both adults and children that serve as a reminder to all that we must remain firm in our faith. It shows how even the finest of intentions can be undone by subtle transgression.
Bunyan exhibits struggles in this book as well-depicted and truly relatable to modern lives.