Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret
Biography by
Dr. Howard Taylor
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret;He heard God’s call and did not hesitate to fulfill it. Through many harrowing trials and tests of his faith, Hudson Taylor followed God and relied on Him only. Even when all around him seemed to be crumbling, he held fast to his Rock and his Comfort. And when God miraculously supplied his every need, he gave all the praise and thanks to Him. From Hudson Taylor’s experiences, you will discover how you, too, can overcome hardships, witness miracles, and enjoy a life of contagious faith and joy.

The Journal of John Wesley
Biography by
John Wesley
John Wesley began his journal in his youth and continued it until just before his death in 1791, at the age of 88. The complete journal fills 26 volumes, from which Wesley himself prepared a four-volume edition for publication. This edition presents Livingstone Parker’s definitive 1902 abridgement.

A Moravian Church History
Biography by
J.E Hutton
A Moravian Church History;Hutton’s History of the Moravian Church is a seminal examination of the Protestant denomination consisting of persecuted refugees from Moravia during the 18th century.

Charles Finney Autobiography
Biography by
Charles Finney
Charles Finney’s Autobiography is the inspiring story of how a man of humble origins became one of the nineteenth century’s most influential religious leaders. Drawing on his journals, Finney reflects on his spiritual journey, his struggles and successes as a revivalist and leader of the Second Great Awakening, and his commitment to the cause of abolition. His story also reveals his deep concern for social justice and his campaign to reform public opinion on the issue of slavery. This insightful autobiography offers insight into Finney’s accomplishments and thought processes. It provides a unique window into the life of one of the most important figures of the American religious revival.

The Life of John Knox
Biography by
Thomas M’Crie
This book curates footnotes, papers, notes and letters written by John Knox, ranging from his ministry in Edinburg to his death in November 1572. Thomas M’Crie structures his comprehensive research on the education state Knox, his birth and prayers from unpublished sections and his liberation from his prison days. Considered a valuable artifact, the book is a commitment to the preservation of the life of John Knox, a Scottish reformer who played a major role in the progress of literature in Scotland in the sixteenth century. A priest, religious leader, theologian and writer, John utilized his knowledge on Reformed theology and Presbyterian polity in his interventions in the political events in Scotland to catalyze the Protestant Reformation. With original papers and all its imperfections that validate its authenticity, the book takes from John’s life to provide an elaborate sketch of the history of Reformation in Scotland in a holistic view.

Memoirs of Jonathon Edwards
Biography by
Sereno Dwight
Memoirs of Jonathon Edwards;The life of Jonathan Edwards: Edwards (1703-1758) is by far the best known American theologian. After graduating from and teaching at Yale University, he began a very fruitful ministry at Northampton, MA. The church was the scene of the explosive revival of 1734, 35, and burned fiercely for God under Edwards for several years. Edwards then went to pastor the lowly Indians. But at last he was called to be the first president of Princeton University, where he served only 5 weeks, dying of smallpox.

Life and Times of Jesus
Biography by
” Alfred Edersheim’s “”The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah”” is a storehouse of information on the background of the New Testament. This classic work successfully portrays the streets, the marketplaces, the religious conflicts, the people, and the places of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Edersheim divides his work into five sections, or books:
Book 1 “”The Preparation for the Gospel””
Introductory historical, religious, political, and cultural material based on the author’s extensive knowledge of Jewish lore and customs.
Book 2 “”From Bethlehem to Jordan””
The background of Herod and his reign, St. John the Baptist and his message, and the birth and baptism of Jesus.

Sermons on Several Occasions
Biography by
John Wesley
In favor of God’s grace, mercy and bounty, John Wesley’s sermons preached the spectrum of God’s grace in our lives: from the dust under our feet to the end of all living souls. This book is a collection of several hundred sermons divided into five series, each presenting Christian practices and doctrines from the Bible. John Wesley’s knowledge covered many subjects, composing experiences of love, faith and death. Humbly and honestly, John Wesley sheds light on the truth for his readers that seek the meaning of grace and salvation by faith. Using sermons as a vital mode of communication and taking from the Angelical book of Homilies, John Wesley’s teachings are a valuable part of the Methodist Church in Great Britain. The book curates the theological ponderings of John Wesley on Christian perfection that captivate many modern congregations speaking on the nature of sanctification and their identity in God’s kingdom.