Paul the Traveler –Roman Citizen
Biography by
Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen is among the most recognized historical and academic literature packed with meaningful arguments. The book offers multiple perspectives on Luke’s Act from the historical, geographical and political lens. The book examines Paul and his relation with time and space from a theological point of view. The book looks at Paul’s dual citizenship, his travelling patterns, regional boundaries that provide insight into Paul’s missionary logic and letters to various nations. The author sees Paul and Luke as men among men, implying canons of interpretation that he has learned from his teachers. Ramsay states affairs and records, leaning away from argument and controversy. This book is ideal for biblical scholars and students of Christian history as it keeps giving regardless of its age. The book is a remarkable masterpiece that allows its reader to consider further exploring it on their own by providing solid foundations.

Smith Wigglesworth – The Complete story
Biography by
Julian Wilson
This complete story is a biography that provides an intimate account of Smith’s life. Smith may not have founded any movements, authored books and has college by his name, yet very few people have influenced the world as he did, with his faith and healing ministry. Julian Wilson comprehensively documents a minister that delivered people from demonic possession and acted as an agent of revival in many countries. It is a frank account of the life of an Apostle of faith who saved multitudes worldwide through healing and his teachings. Smith was flexible in approach; he believed that illness was an attribute of demons, for which the cure was faith. Smith continued to minister till his death, employing the method of spiritual edification. He was a unique conundrum before the world; he prayed for the sick and declared himself the weakest man ever to stand on a stage and preach.

Life of John Bunyan
Biography by
John Dunn
The 17th century Period of Revolution is filled with influential figures such as John Bunyan. Representing the concepts of sin and faith as natural aspects of the world, John presented the idea of life as a journey that has guided Christians in their quest for salvation worldwide. Modest beginnings, informal education and experiencing tragedy at an early age added to John’s journey dedicated to spiritual awakening. John told rich and symbolic stories that are not easy to digest. He penned down his allegory titled The Pilgrim’s Progress in prison. The book is a spiritual bibliography of a prolific writer who seeks not only his spiritual journey; he encourages others to start their own. 250 years after his death, John is lived by more than 60 poems and titles that he wrote during his lifetime. This book includes excerpts from The Pilgrim’s Progress with an introduction and notes on John’s life.

The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever
Biography by
Elmer Towns – Douglas Porter
The ten greatest revivals ever is a conclusion of the collaboration between Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter. It is a fast-moving account of revivals that display the glory of God. Elmer and Douglas document divine interventions that have caused profound changes in culture and the Church throughout history. The book is a good reference for people obsessed with revival history and exploring God’s work in the world. The book accounts for the transformation of cities and countries in structured content for easy grasp. From Pentecost to Present, the authors rekindle the expectations of the faithful by narrating life-shaking experiences from the history when God touched the world. The authors encourage repentance for revival starts from within. This book evaluates the degree of influence of revivals so that it offers inspiration to its readers. The book is sympathetic to revival because it is written by people who are products of revival.

Smith Wigglesworth – Apostle of Faith
Biography by
Stanley Frodsham
Stanley illustrates the relentless search of Smith for baptism in the Holy Spirit. This book is an action-packed biography of an evangelist who experienced the miracles and ignited a passion for Pentecost through his world-renowned healing ministry. Stanley uses his pen to tell the story of a friend who struggled with his faith in God in his early years and then became an incredible human who committed to God and his ministry till death. It is a timeless story for a man whose heart hungered for a relationship with God and that he never recollected the time when he did not long for God. He became a vessel for God and his life depended on it. This book is a big source of inspiration for those who long for God in the yesterday, today and forever. The life of Smith Wigglesworth never fails to fascinate, which makes this book life-altering.

Joseph Alleine His Companions and Times
Biography by
Charles Stanford
The book is a preservation of the rare history of Joseph Alleine, whose devotion to truth is fading away in modern times. Today, Joseph Alleine is similar to a dead name without history and personality. His lifelong sufferings are wonders in this age, no matter how obscure he was, compared to many eminent men. A lot remains untold about Joseph and his companions, and this book presents that information with heart and research. The heroic age of non-conformity needs correct and complete understanding for which the author comes through. Charles emphasizes the need to know about ministers and congregation such as Joseph Alleine rather than just commanding genius for their influence adds to the bigger picture. Charles invites his readers to study these ministers and their principles. This book is a great introduction to men and women that the author has followed in their daily walks, from prison to death.

Training of the Twelve
Biography by
A.B. Bruce
Pulling from the harmony of the four Gospels, Bruce presents a discourse on how Jesus trained his twelve disciples. The book is a peek into how Jesus instructed the disciples and apply those methods today; it leaves that decision on the reader rather than being a how-to book on leadership and discipleship. Bruce was a leading scholar for the Christian faith in the 19th century, his understanding of politics and culture, and his sentence structure marked by geographical, historical and theological knowledge makes this work arguably one of the best books written on how Jesus equipped his disciples to preach the gospel worldwide. The book grants rare access into the life of the Lord, conserving and preserving his methods. Absorbing commentary following Jesus’s ministry in a chronological order, selected passages from the bible and scriptural references makes it a valuable reference book for Christians desiring to be leaders and disciples.

Life of Elijah
Biography by
A.W. Pink
The life of Elijah has been passed from one generation to another; his obscure appearance, miracles, the chariot of fire and dramatic interventions in Israel has always been prominent in our history, fascinating preachers and writers alike. Elijah’s captivating career is mingle of oaths and threats, judgments and mercy. The book is a fitting way to draw lessons from Elijah’s entry like a tempest and exiting like a whirlwind, influencing large spheres of history and the truths close to evangelism. A.W Pink undertakes the task of exposing Elijah’s ministry to bring clarity, encourage faithful remnant and apply the lessons to contemporary practices. A.W Pink uses his spiritual mediums and doctrinal Christianity to provide a deep insight into the life of Elijah, explaining God’s protection and provisions as Elijah moved from faith to faith. The author unfolds a path by which God’s ways are preserved through the life of Elijah