Which day is God’s Sabbath
Historical Sabbath by
Which Day is the Sabbath;Attacks upon the Sabbath throughout the ages have been numerous and persistent, and they have all been grounded upon human reasoning as against the command of God. It is not merely a question of this or that day, but the greater question of obedience to God’s command.

Which day is God’s Sabbath
Historical Sabbath by
Which Day is the Sabbath;Attacks upon the Sabbath throughout the ages have been numerous and persistent, and they have all been grounded upon human reasoning as against the command of God. It is not merely a question of this or that day, but the greater question of obedience to God’s command.

Seven Festivals of the Messiah
Holy Days – Feasts of God by
Edward Chumney
Seven Festivals of the Messiah; One of the most fascinating, yet probably one of the least understood, topics in the Bible is that of the feasts listed in Leviticus. In a step-by-step examination of each festival, you will learn foundational truths and the prophetic connections to Jesus’ first and second comings. This book will give tremendous insight into your personal relationship with God!

History of the Sabbath
Historical Sabbath by
John Andrews
“History of the Sabbath” by John Nevins Andrews contains a goldmine of information on the Bible Sabbath. In this classic, every passage of scripture having any connection with the Sabbath in the Old or the New Testaments is critically examined. The various steps by which the change from the seventh day to the first day was made and the final exaltation of the Sabbath are given in detail. The complete testimony of the Fathers immediately succeeding the time of the Apostles is presented, and the comparative merits of the two days are clearly revealed.

A History of Sabbath and Sunday
Historical Sabbath by
J Kiesz
“A History of Sabbath and Sunday; Questions, like apples, have their time to ripen. When they are ripe, the harvest must be gathered. Wishing cannot hasten this time, nor fear delay it. The Sabbath question is ripe for re-examination and restatement. It is at the front. It has come to stay. We and our children must grapple with the problem. The first key to its solution is the authority of God s Word, the Bible. The facts of history form the second key. Time itself is an attribute of God. The aggregate results in history are the decisions of God.

The Thread – Gods Appointments with History
Holy Days–Feasts of God by
Ron Dart
The Thread – Gods Appointments with History;There is a thread that runs from the beginning to the end of the Bible that few seem to understand. There are specific points along that thread where God chose to act in history. In the Bible, these are called, “the appointments” of God. Because they occurred in connection with events in Jewish history, the days took on the meaning of those events. But then came Jesus, and the great events of his life and work also took place on these appointments.

The Sabbath – Which Day and Why
Historical Sabbath by
M.L. Andreason
The Sabbath – Which Day and Why;Attacks upon the Sabbath throughout the ages have been numerous and persistent, and they have all been grounded upon human reasoning as against the command of God. It is not merely a question of this or that day, but the greater question of obedience to God’s command.

The Sabbath
Historical Sabbath by
William Dankenbring
The Sabbath; M. L. Andreason takes an indepth look at the fourth commandment: “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” He identifies that the Sabbath question is greater than following this or that day, it is a question of following the Maste