Calvin on Self Denial
Doctrine – Theology by
John Calvin
In his book that tackles the concept of self-denial, John Calvin discusses our relationship with Christ, interactions with people, sanctifications, trials and difficulties in a simple and concise tone. He communicates truth unapologetically and gracefully, the book is a reflection of Christ’s teachings and duties of believers to promote the glory of God. Calvin encourages his readers to exhibit greater proficiency by faithfully obeying God and his commandments, shunning all private regards to them including wealth and power that may distract our minds in pursuit of favors, luxury, applause and worldly ambitions. He further criticizes the practice of virtue that is followed by desires and the sake of praise, arguing that outward works have to be done from a pure feeling of love. John Calvin was a man who devoted himself entirely to the service of God, abandoning his own will, and he asks his readers to do the same.