Studies on Saving Faith
Doctrine – Theology by
A. W. Pink
“What must I do to be saved?” man’s typical question.
“Accept Christ as Lord and Savior,” Christian’s typical reply. But is accepting Christ in our head enough to be saved while our ‘heart is in love with sin’?
“No one can receive Christ as his Savior while he rejects Him as Lord,” wrote A.W. Pink. One of the diseases of this age is that many professed believers bark up the wrong tree by seeking to be saved from hell instead of being saved from sin. That’s why many thought they are ‘bound for heaven but wake up in hell’.
In this classic work, A.W. Pink encouraged us to look at the two sides of the same coin with equal dedication to see the scripture for what it is. He tackles how those who teach about Christ had sugarcoated the gospel without teaching about remorse for sin. He also tackles how those who claim to be saved brag about their salvation without genuine repentance. This book was written in the 1930s. But it is still relevant today, or rather, especially today. Let’s cast out the glazed teachings about the gospel and apply to our lives the genuine ones, so that we may live our lives according to His purpose.