Absolute surrender
Christian Living by
Andrew Murray
Absolute Surrender is a revolutionary devotional based on the sermons of Andrew Murray. The book is straightforward but inspired with devotion and heartfelt motivation to trust and surrender to the Almighty God. In addition to spiritual guidance, this book is the result of an earnest investigation of the problem of surrender to answer why it appears unattainable yet entirely necessary.
With several principles, Absolute Surrender conveys to readers both the rewards of surrender, the true experience of the Holy Spirit in one’s own life, and the different steps that followed on the journey to Christian freedom.
Adrift believers can benefit greatly from reading this book, most ardently in journeys of the self. Absolute Surrender is a devotional that will help God-fearing Christians to surrender to the principles of Christ and prosper.

Divine Healing
Doctrine by
Andrew C Murray
Jesus became human to redeem us. But what does His redemption mean in a pragmatic sense? Will our soul be saved only in the afterlife but suffers while on Earth? Or is He also concerned with our body while we are still on Earth?
God’s redemptive gifts are forgiveness and healing. Forgiveness is for the soul, as healing is for the body. This is what Murray realized during one of his meditations. After being unable to serve in the ministry for two years, he was healed. He attributes it to the prayer of those who see God as a healer. In this book, Murray taught the church to appreciate the invaluable treasure it possesses. Faith can heal, for God is our Divine Healer. As His people, let’s not get destroyed for lack of knowledge. Let’s live life to its fullest by knowing who we are in Christ.

Christian Living by
Andrew Murray
Why does God want us to practice humility? Humility by Andrew Murray is a rallying cry to all dedicated Christians to demonstrate meekness and lowliness of heart as a mark of those who follow the meek and lowly Lamb of God. Murray stated that it does not matter if the initial attempts are misunderstood, exploited, or even rejected. Instead, keep in mind that Jesus’ life and teachings teach us a lot about the value of humility. The book explains the importance of acknowledging who we are and how much we need God. According to Murray, most people do not take this virtue seriously enough, nor do they see the devastating consequences of its absence on authentic holiness. Murray allows readers to have a greater appreciation for the biblical teaching on the theme of humility; it is indeed a must-have for church groups, family devotions, or even personal study.

Lectures to My Students
Church Leadership by
Charles H Spurgeon
Driven by the goal of sharing faith-filled lessons, Lectures to My Students by Charles Spurgeon emphasizes the importance of remaining in Christ and reflecting on God’s word. Spurgen’s wisdom and counsel through this book serve as a timeless guide through the year’s ups and downs. The depth of his biblical knowledge provides readers with a glimpse into his mind, a dedicated and one of the most respected pastors.
This book is full of practical wisdom, common sense, and sage advice. It merely focuses on the application of the doctrine in a manner that is easy to understand.
Spurgen shares his remarkable approach to prayer, teaching, writing, and preaching through this book. He was able to communicate to the readers in a personal way and even challenges believers to intentionally share the good news with other people.

Life in Christ
Christian Living by
Charles Spurgeon
What is it like to live a life in Christ? Life in Christ Vol1 by Charles Spurgeon reveals a deep understanding of Jesus’ miracles and parables that are both uplifting and challenging. Spurgeon delves into the subject of Jesus’ miracles and provided specific details on how a Christian should respond to the biblical account. He teaches the readers to picture each case and take an in-depth look at every action and detail to discover its message. This book allows readers to find the relevance and application of Jesus’ miracles and parables to this modern day of ours. Spurgeon’s style in writing challenges believers to keep on seeking God’s message through the scripture. He was able to reveal several occurrences from Jesus’ life and actions that would otherwise go unnoticed. This book provides food for thought as well as an encouragement for further study and discovery.

Life in Christ Vol2
Christian Living by
Spurgeon Charles
A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracles and parables. Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart’s inmost desire.

My Sermon Notes
Homiletics by
Charles H. Spurgeon
This book outlines the hundreds of sermons given by Charles Haddon Spurgeon to hundreds of people. It includes highlights from the Bible, and provides a unique outlook on sermon preparation, drawing from Spurgeon’s method. Divided into four volumes, the book provides insight and advice on selecting texts, curating themes and planning the framework of sermons. The book is a good resource filled with outlines ad illustrations by Spurgeon as well as anecdotes from old and new Testaments. An indefatigable preacher, Charles dedicated his life to forward the work of the Church and defending faith. His sermons never compromised on quality even when he preached around 100,000,000 people every week. His intellect and passion for truth and love for God shine through his works, and this book is a gem of insight for study groups, people looking for inspiration, preachers looking for understanding and devotional leaders whose hearts crave scriptural truth.

Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Homiletics by
Jonathan Edwards
Where will you stand in the judgment? With the sheep or the goats? These are some of the striking thoughts the book, Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards would ponder reader’s mind.
This book holds reminders of what the Bible stated about sin and sinful men if they insist on doing things their way and according to their creeds, beliefs, and practices. The book offers a lot of spiritual depth and insight that you don’t see very often in today’s sermons. It also has historical significance because Edwards is America’s only theologian and a pivotal figure in the country’s history.
Unlike some other ancient text reproductions, this book was able to maintain the quality of images such as portraits, maps, sketches, and others, so that it correctly portrays the original item.