Greatest Fight in the world
Christian Living by
Charles Spurgeon
The Greatest Fight in the world is a smaller but notable work by Spurgeon. The book is demonstrating Spirit and Faith by starting a much-needed conversation on the fight for faith. Spurgeon examines three vital aspects: the first part focuses on the word of God serving as the inspiration of the fight – this is called the armory, the second part investigates the institution of Church and its role in command – titled as the armory and final part called strength, which determines how we wear the armor and utilize its power that can be the metamorphic sword. Spurgeon presented this message with force and conviction in his final address at his Pastor’s college in 1981 yet it is received with enthusiasm even today. Spurgeon preaches the invincibility of a believer that comes with diligence in the prayer routine. He concludes prayer as being the ultimate language to learn the truth.

Mortification of Sin
Christian Living by
John Owen
One of the top Puritan books on holiness, this classic Christian literature by John Owen urges its readers to fight against the uninviting and ever-lasting tendencies that pull us into the cycle of sins, these tendencies and attitudes remain a part of a man even when he is devoted and brought to faith. He propagated the belief in power in God’s word. To win this eternal fight against sin, John emphasizes the guidance that can be extracted from faith in Christ and the Spirit, rather than relying on the individual strength. He presents his case by stating the liabilities attached with human strength such as self – righteousness, anxiety and superstition, the roles the conscious can play. Mortification of sin is a practical book with legit research backing it up as John was an experienced academic administrator –the solutions offered are relevant in modern times where we are surrounded by temptations.

Uttermost Salvation
Christian Living – Holiness by
Aaron.M. Hills
God’s gift of salvation is a manifestation of His enormous love for human beings. Uttermost Salvation by Aaron M. Hills is a collection of sermons that focuses on the importance of justification and sanctification in the salvation process. Hills tells the stories of people who had immoral lives but were transformed in this book. These narratives emphasize the need for a Savior who can sanctify us, as well as how Jesus was able to save even the most hopeless of sinners.
This book will undoubtedly boost your faith and motivate you to read your Bible and pray, where you will undoubtedly encounter God. Hills successfully highlighted in this book how God’s grace has been freely granted and how salvation could sanctify us by His word and Spirit.

Holy War Novel
Spiritual Warfare by
John Bunyan
What is Spiritual Warfare? The book Holy War by John Bunyan unlocks understanding and ways on how to overcome this silent battle. It sets out to evoke the fall and salvation of mankind under the guise of a besieged city just like one of the Bible’s most reassuring themes – the triumph of good over evil. It demonstrates how even the most devout can be led astray by listening to the world at large rather than God’s letter to us, the Holy Bible. It is an intriguing narrative for both adults and children that serve as a reminder to all that we must remain firm in our faith. It shows how even the finest of intentions can be undone by subtle transgression.
Bunyan exhibits struggles in this book as well-depicted and truly relatable to modern lives.

The Sermon on the Mount
Chrstian Living by
Emmet Fox
In The Sermon of The Mount, Irish spiritual leader Emmet Fox answers the conundrum, “What did Jesus teach?” After years of studies and lectures, affirmed by almost a million Christians over the last five decades, Fox reveals that the answer is quite simple. The Bible is a textbook of metaphysics; His teachings communicate, without dogma, a practical approach to the growth of the soul and shaping our lives into what we truly want them to be.
Jesus, according to Fox, was no idle and semantic dreamer, no simple dealer in hollow platitudes, but the stark realism that only a great mystic can be. The Sermon of The Mount teaches us how to comprehend the true nature of divine wisdom, harness the power of prayer, cultivate a completely integrated and fully expressed personality, transform negative attitudes into life-affirming beliefs, and claim our divine right to the full abundance of life.

The Sermon on the Mount
Chrstian Living by
Emmet Fox
In The Sermon of The Mount, Irish spiritual leader Emmet Fox answers the conundrum, “What did Jesus teach?” After years of studies and lectures, affirmed by almost a million Christians over the last five decades, Fox reveals that the answer is quite simple. The Bible is a textbook of metaphysics; His teachings communicate, without dogma, a practical approach to the growth of the soul and shaping our lives into what we truly want them to be.
Jesus, according to Fox, was no idle and semantic dreamer, no simple dealer in hollow platitudes, but the stark realism that only a great mystic can be. The Sermon of The Mount teaches us how to comprehend the true nature of divine wisdom, harness the power of prayer, cultivate a completely integrated and fully expressed personality, transform negative attitudes into life-affirming beliefs, and claim our divine right to the full abundance of life.

Revivals of Religion
Revival by
Charles Finney
A key theologian, Charles Finney brings together thirty-three lectures and presented the book to his church in the middle of the 19th century. Having edited multiple times over the hundred and thirty years, publication without any editing gives us a chance to understand Charles Finney. This edition of Revivals of Religion includes text from the final edition in 1868 with footnotes from the original 1834 and 1835 editions. The book has been published in several languages such as Welsh and French with more than 80,000 copies which justify its presence and claim as a blessing for thousands of souls. Using everyday examples, the book covers a range of controversial subjects from revival and methods of teaching the gospel, instructions for sinners and directions for their spiritual growth in a manner that is charming and humorous. The book is either loved by people who find it liberating or others denounce it.

The Book of Bible Promises
Prayer by
George Mueller
The Book of Bible Promises is a spirited exposition on the approximately thirty thousand promises God made in the Bible, written by Christian evangelist George Muller. How do His promises become a reality for us? Muller ardently explains that it is solely due to the Lord Jesus Christ and that His promises are founded on His unchanging nature. He, alone, is worthy, and it is He who has made us worthy to approach before Him. His promises are precious and priceless; they are a balm to the soul and remove the burden from the heart.
In The Book of Bible Promises, Muller discusses, in length, His promises borne out of His providence and benevolence and how these oaths, ultimately, are the guiding light for Christians towards the path of righteousness and redemption.