Desiring God
Christian Life by
John Piper
A perfect study guide for individuals and groups, Desiring God shatters paradigms relating to God in a very dramatic manner, altering common perspectives. In the book, John piper unveils the reality of a choice we are given; between duty and delight, declaring that there is no need to choose the first place because a follower of Jesus considers duty as delight, finds delight in duty similar to the magnified presence of Christ in His people when they are satisfied in Him. Drawing from scripture, Piper demonstrates the directly proportional relationship between the pursuit of joy and glorifying God, building his case by offering discussions on the implications of this conversation on worship and suffering, love and prayer, marriage and missions. Turning the Christian world upside down, Piper beckons us to be free to enjoy Jesus – as a Savior and soul-satisfying treasure because the pursuit of pleasure in God is essential.

Do Not Waste Your Life
Christian Life by
John Piper
John Piper displays the truth of life in his book, a truth many shy away from. He declares the supreme excellence of God as the highlight of a devoted Christian’s life. Hence, neglecting this passion is being wasteful. He further builds his case by underlining the importance of prayer, thinking and dreaming as God calls us for. John observes the people in the modern world, slipping away from the truth, from the passion as they become enchanted by diversions giving them comfort and pleasure. He wrote this book, both as a warning and as a guide; a warning to not get caught up and a guide to challenge his readers to live for the glory of God, to follow a singular passion. This is a perfect book for people who hope to return on the path of passion as well as people looking for inspiration to build a stronger faith.

Serious call to a Holy Life
Christian Life by
William Law
The book is a serious call to the cynical men of our age, encouraging them to take part in the arguments in favour of spiritual life. William Law challenges piety that originates from broken traditions/ He focuses the conversation on Christian perfection that is intrinsically woven with a simple set of rules governing life. He investigates the ideas of the Christian life, Christian tenets, secular and spiritual establishments. He proclaims God gives a direct call for obedience and a living a life centered around, rather than just confining God to merely forgiveness in response to forgiveness. He implores understanding ignorance, inability, commitment and intentions in fresh and vivid prose. He concludes by stating a Christian life is a life completely lived for God. An influential book and a prominent author, Law’s prayers, holiness, stewardship, pride, humility and services shine through, making it relevant today and successful in inspiring contemporary readers.

What Jesus demands of the World
Christian Life by
John Piper
John Piper curates the many demands of Jesus from the four Gospels in his book What Jesus Demands from the World. The book begins with John introducing the demands in a redemptive and historical context and then examines these demands as he makes progress. The book is written in a thoughtful and accessible manner, making it meditative for believers who want to know more about Jesus. Piper argues that the four Gospels are filled with demands from Jesus which is a way of showing what he expects from us. These are not harsh demands with a selfish origin and intent to control but rather directions for good and satisfaction. It can be said that these loving demands are a treasure of trust. This book is a perfect guide for new believers as well as mature believers to whom it serves as a reminder to refresh their faith in God’s plan.

Gospel according to Jesus
Christian Life by
Dr. John MacArthur
Gospel according to Jesus is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning book that confronts the easy beliefs occupying some quarters in the evangelical Christian for the past 50 years. It is a true Christian classic that is acknowledged by Christians worldwide as a clear and powerful representation of the Gospel, making it a significant contribution to the Christian faith and literature. Discussed in churches, institutes, groups and homes, the book tackles and challenges easy beliefs, to re-evaluate the commitment to Christ through assessing the fruits of this commitment and strength of the belief to withstand obstacles. John McArthur urges people to understand the meaning of being saved, that it is more than just a conversation; it is an opportunity to change a life, it is about lifelong commitment and obedience to Jesus as Lord. The book is provocative, intense and offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between faith and work.

Mortification of the Flesh
Christian Life by
John Owen
How can we really overcome temptations?
The book Mortification of the Flesh published by John Owen demonstrates the necessity for Christians to wage a life-long war against the wicked tendencies that linger in us despite our conversion to faith and new life in Christ. He recognizes that the only way to win the battle is through faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Temptations abound in times long before and through this book practical and helpful solutions are presented. It reintroduces God’s compassion and grace. It has never been easier to comprehend the marvelous love by mortifying the flesh. This is a powerful read that demonstrates God at action and comes from a time when self-mortification was easier due to the severity of more people’s circumstances.

Faith that Prevails
Christian Life by
Smith Wigglesmith
Known for writing many successful books, Smith Wigglesworth is a prominent figure in the realm of classic Christian literature. His books are noted to be followed by signs of faith and miracles throughout history. Smith demonstrates the true potential hidden in a devoted Christian, a potential that comes from something as simple as faith in the word of Christ. This book contains text from the original book and additional material that revolves around praying for the sick, enduring temptations, the place of power, visions, spiritual power and blessings. For any man or women seeking inspiration, a guide for an abundant Christian life, this book is a wonderful piece of literature loaded with gems of wisdom and encouraging stories about the greater works in the name of Jesus Christ. Smith Wigglesworth’s teachings have changed many lives; this book has helped millions in understanding the power of faith and how to prevail.

Ever Increasing Faith
Christian Life by
Smith Wigglesworth
An international evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth was known as an Apostle of Faith whose life changed when he was baptized and anointed with the power of preaching and healing at the age of forty-eight. For people with faith, big or small, this book is punctuated with teachings and miracles that characterizes Smith’s ministry. For the author, life was a never-ending adventure and in the most hopeless situations, he trusted God and had complete confidence in the power of Christ. This book is an invitation to join Smith in his great adventure of faith; the reader witnesses accounts of curing diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis and demonic possession. Smith’s unquenchable faith is an inspiration to thousands who seek salvation, healing and the light of the Holy Spirit. The daily events of his life are overwhelming and expand the heart of his readers as they follow miracles and signs of power in faith.