Man Dwelling Place of God
Christian Life by
A.W. Tozer
Fascinated by God’s love, Man Dwelling Place of God is a comforting book that reminds us that God wants to live and commune with His people. The author of this book, A.W. Tozer describes how much God wants to dwell with man to reveal Himself in powerful and personal way.
The chapters in this book cover a wide range of topics related to one central theme: the relationship between God and man. They are first and foremost practical, and everybody who will read this book would benefit from it. In this book, Tozer highlighted the importance of living in truth and even cited that he would rather know the truth than be happy in ignorance. If he cannot have both truth and happiness, he would choose truth because there will be a long time to be happy in heaven.

Celebration of Discipline
Christian Life by
Richard Foster
Hailed as the best contemporary Christian classic on spirituality, Celebration of Discipline investigates central spiritual practices that provide a true path of spiritual growth. Drawing inspiration from the inward disciplines of confession, celebration, worship and guidance, and outward disciplines of simplicity, submission, solitude and service, Foster illustrates the method of maintaining balance in a spiritual life that brings us nearer to God. It is a timeless guide that helps seekers discover spiritual transformation infused with knowledge, joy, peace and growth of the soul. Foster’s mystic approach and terminologies have become a legacy and a movement that uncovers hidden layers of spirituality, it serves as a reminder and an inspiration to become disciplined and think deeply. The book takes its readers on a soul-searching journey full of discoveries and gems of wisdom. It actively celebrates the glory of God, true practices, and a solid connection between Christian thought and spiritual practices.

Mere Christianity
Christian Living by
C.S. Lewis
A theological book adapted from a series of BBC radio talks, Lewis focuses on core beliefs of the Christian faith, avoiding any theological doctrines. His pithy language enabled him to reach bigger audiences and has a much wider scope. Lewis focuses on arguments on morality and rules of right and wrong commonly found in human nature, further explaining that moral laws are similar to scientific laws in a way that they are not contrived but different because they can be intuitively broken. He concludes that human experiences alone cannot satisfy the craving for joy, we need God. The book also explores ethics and virtues of hope, faith and charity. The book builds its case by explaining three layers of relationships: man and man, motivations and altitudes of a man himself and contrasting worldviews. Lewis has a significant cultural impact and his book became of the most popular evangelical works existing.

Where Art Thou
Christian Living by J.C. Ryle
The book examines Happiness as a gift of God that comes from fully following Him. He asks his readers’ questions that put their consciousness to test; he explains the growth of a hopeful believer and the tender comfort and heavenly frame of a clear mind. In the strangest times we live in, Ryle asks his readers to actively consider the salvation of their immortal soul when they stand before the judgment seat of God. Ryle further comments on spirits that are in slumber, those who are at ease and self-content. He asses the most common situation of modern times; people have room for everything but God; they make space for business and pleasure yet no admission for Jesus and the Spirit. ‘Where Art Thou’ can be taken as a mission to spread the word of the bible and to ask the most important questions of grace, conversation, justification and holiness.

Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
Christian Living by
A.W. Pink
What is the most well-known sermon that exists until today? Is it the speech of the most prolific teacher? If it is, then who would that teacher be?
The Sermon of the Mount is God’s instruction on how we should live as we follow His way. This book by A.W. Pink is a verse by verse exposition covering Matthew 5 to 7. It answers the questions raised about the meaning of the Lord’s sermon and brings out its practical teaching that we can apply to our lives. In this book, we will be confronted by many false ideas that most of us had probably heard and believed about the Lord’s sermon. Moreover, its message will not pamper our ego but lead us to examine our lives in the light of the Scriptures. So if you crave for deeper things and you want to understand the inner life in Christ, pick this book.

Recovery in a Day of Failure
Christian Living by
T. Austin-Sparks
One of the greatest reads of our time, the book discusses the factors that enable Lord’s people to recover to His full thought. In a world that has lost the sense of full recovery, Austin-Sparks takes on the approach of God’s thought as a full expression when people take themselves as a vessel and means of expression of His mind in a greater way. This approach further leads to a connection to the spirit of wisdom, counsel and knowledge. He also notes the differences between spiritual administration and natural judgment, that being administrating here on earth as man, which also puts spiritual judgment in perspective as important to understand the difference between man’s mind and God. It is our spiritual judgment that, as Austin explains, enables us to check, arrest and bring us back from drifts and departures that lead us to rejection of God and imposition of our mind.

Treatise on Self Denial
Christian Living by
Thomas Manton
Manton was a nonconformist puritan who started preaching from his home. Considered to be one of the best preachers in England, this book is a puritan classic that offers timeless and thoughtful insight into fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, which has become lost in our day. The author skillfully and meticulously explores our denial of self-confidence, self-will, self-love, our desire to seek and transform as we read and apply the truth. Self-denial is an essential mark of disciple that suffers from the lack of understanding in this self-gratifying age. This book is an antidote for the self-centered souls who practice self-denial with the proper understanding. Do you deny yourself? is an important question that attracts our attention to Christ’s warning and pastors worldwide to restore this fundamental doctrine. It is one of the most profound books on self-denial that extensively explores this subject and it is a pleasurable read.

Practical Religion
Christian Living by
Horatius Bonar
This classic by Horatius Bonar takes a challenging look at our mundane activities and issues of the Christian life. Starting with the basics of conversion, sin and repentance, he examines the holiness of life, value of conscience and assurance. Practical Religion is a thorough and biblical guide for Christians to experience the beauty of Christ and strive for a devoted living. Horatius comes from a long line of ministers who joined the Free Church of Scotland in 1838. Denying the established, Horatius was a popular author known for his prolific hymns and poetry. His outlook on the basics of the Christian life is relatable, making this book timeless and helpful for serious readers who want to know more and be better. Practical Religion is a popular theme in evangelical circles that lets its readers examine their lives in the light of God and explore the concept of walking with God.