Advice for Seekers
Christian Living by
Charles H. Spurgeon
Before starting this conversation with millions, Charles dealt with many difficulties in coming to Christ as many do before they become Christians. This approach lets the readers become seekers who are taking from a sympathetic counsellor that is the author himself, as he examines false ideas about God’s salvation and frequent errors that prevent seekers from trusting Jesus Christ fully. In our modern world, seeking is considered old fashion and their questions are often disregarded because any interest in Gospel is often mistaken for Faith itself, this book is written to help these seekers cross the difficult bridge with proper guidance. The book is equally relevant for believers who want to remove any doubts and fears which is why it has become a simple yet powerful evangelistic tool for hundreds who read. The book offers a path of peace using guidance from God rather than maps of our limited understanding.

Around the wicket gate
Christian Living by
Charles Spurgeon
It is a tragedy when a person dies outside the gates to the church ground when he sees the beauty of the building and the people going in without crossing the threshold himself. He is almost saved and forever lost. This is a book of immeasurable value as it contains gems of knowledge for those who are afraid of committing their lives to God. Unapologetic, penetrating and relevant, this book is written in classic Spurgeon style as he accounts for the consequences of lingering at the gate of life. He outlines the regions far from God and peace and the gate which stands at the head of the way of eternal life, and what ails men who linger when what they seek is right in front of them. The book has proven to be a blessing for millions of Christians who have yet to fully accept Christ as their savior.

The fight of the Faith
Christian Living by
T.A. Sparks
In the middle of conflicts surrounding the spiritual advancement of devoted Christians, Austin Sparks writes a book that evaluates the direct relationship between these conflicts and the faith. The fight and the faith always go together, and their relationship is recorded in history. Their invariable association is narrated in the New Testament. The book comments that this is a natural occurrence in all true spiritual experiences and the understanding of faith and conflicts is something that holds tremendous importance to Lord’s people to grow. The book discusses the essence of conflicting factors in spiritual warfare and Christian beliefs as the focal point. The author also comments on the all-inclusive aspect of faith, the truth it carried with impact rather than a system of doctrines and teachings. The author draws context from the New Testament to describe the phrase ‘the faith’ and testimony of Christ in simple, short and significant sentences.

Faith and Life
Christian Living by
B.B. Warfield
This book contains the addresses that Warfield gave to his students in the Sunday afternoon classes at Princeton. He dived in the deep currents of faith and explored life. The book reflects his over thirty years of experience as one of the greatest reformed theologians. With his careful use of scripture and confidence in Christ, he repeatedly expressed himself as a student and a man of God, and he encouraged his students to do the same instead of picking sides. His personal Christian experience shines through the subjects he dealt with; the role of spirit in prayer and conviction and the vitality of true devotion to Christ. The book unveils the two sides of Warfield, who stood as one of the giants of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It archives his words as a pastor and a professor, a scholar involved in the practical matters of Christian faith.

How shall I Approach God
Doctrine by
Horatius Bonar
“How should I go to God?” This can be the most important question we can ask ourselves. Many believers think that they don’t need to go to God because He is already with us. However, we can see in Genesis how human falls into sin. We got separated from God, and the need to seek Him arose.
This collection of Dr. Bonar’s writings deals with the theme of Christian assurance. He tells us that there is a life after death and urges us to be sure of the home to which we are going. Only if we confess our sin and ask Him to cleanse us can we go to Him. It is the first step to restore our fellowship to God where we fear no evil and our sorrows are turned into joy. So let this work serves as a compass as we seek His path.

Calvin on Self Denial
Doctrine – Theology by
John Calvin
In his book that tackles the concept of self-denial, John Calvin discusses our relationship with Christ, interactions with people, sanctifications, trials and difficulties in a simple and concise tone. He communicates truth unapologetically and gracefully, the book is a reflection of Christ’s teachings and duties of believers to promote the glory of God. Calvin encourages his readers to exhibit greater proficiency by faithfully obeying God and his commandments, shunning all private regards to them including wealth and power that may distract our minds in pursuit of favors, luxury, applause and worldly ambitions. He further criticizes the practice of virtue that is followed by desires and the sake of praise, arguing that outward works have to be done from a pure feeling of love. John Calvin was a man who devoted himself entirely to the service of God, abandoning his own will, and he asks his readers to do the same.

Union with Christ and In Christ
Doctrine – Theology by
T. A. Sparks
At the center of all the knowledge and experiences that have defined man’s relationship with God, Union with Christ is written to express these revelations and understand the flow of information. The book can be said to be a metaphor for a hub of a mighty wheel. Radiating from Christ and reaching God, the book comments on aspects of election, sanctification, creation, repentance, salvation, glorification, redemption, regeneration, faith, justification, conversation and more. The author contemplates the meanings necessary for arriving at the truth, which is the value of devotional living. In an effort to unite with the eternal Christ, Austin focuses on meditation methods that seek the meaning of Christ, setting the background and laying the foundations of this union. The book allows a greater understanding of Christ’s greatness by applying various conceptions from the New Testament. The book seeks practical values for spiritual living, as opposed to theological discussions.

God’s Way of Holiness
Doctrine – Theology by
Horatius Bonar
Known for his soul-searching hymns, a respected author and an evangelist, Bonar’s book realistically addresses the concerns of people, avoiding unattainable spiritualism and standard of Christian living. The book is a way of peace, asserting that the two most popular words; Holiness and Peace are one. Bonar further explains that the Spirit of peace is the Spirit of holiness because there can be no peace when living with sin and there can be no holy way of life without consciously reconciling with God and fellow believers. The book contains lists of messages of scripture that helps in setting the scene for the upcoming discussion. The author dives into the subjects of rebirth, indwelling, Spirit, Power of cross, law and worldly desires, and a dedicated section on Romans. The author helps his readers in understanding the concepts of holiness and peace from a different point of view, outside the Christian faith.