Studies on Saving Faith
Doctrine – Theology by
A. W. Pink
“What must I do to be saved?” man’s typical question.
“Accept Christ as Lord and Savior,” Christian’s typical reply. But is accepting Christ in our head enough to be saved while our ‘heart is in love with sin’?
“No one can receive Christ as his Savior while he rejects Him as Lord,” wrote A.W. Pink. One of the diseases of this age is that many professed believers bark up the wrong tree by seeking to be saved from hell instead of being saved from sin. That’s why many thought they are ‘bound for heaven but wake up in hell’.
In this classic work, A.W. Pink encouraged us to look at the two sides of the same coin with equal dedication to see the scripture for what it is. He tackles how those who teach about Christ had sugarcoated the gospel without teaching about remorse for sin. He also tackles how those who claim to be saved brag about their salvation without genuine repentance. This book was written in the 1930s. But it is still relevant today, or rather, especially today. Let’s cast out the glazed teachings about the gospel and apply to our lives the genuine ones, so that we may live our lives according to His purpose.

Thus Saith The Lord
Doctrine – Theology by
Octavius Winslow
What if your wounding and healing came from the same hands? How come that separation from the world doesn’t mean being monkish but being with people despite being different? How does taking revenge differs from seeking justice? How did those paradoxes arise in the first place?
The Scriptures are being attacked by both affirmed enemies and sworn friends. However, the most dangerous enemies are among those who profess the faith but twisted His teachings. They add or subtract something from what He said that led to the misinterpretation of what He truly meant.
In this classic work, Dr. Octavius Winslow took misused verses and explained them in the context of His divine love. This writing may be a century old, but it shed light on teachings that are commonly misread. Let us learn from a man who experienced hardships from childhood and struggled throughout his life, but clung to what the Lord had said and lived his life on it.

Your Sanctification
Doctrine – Theology by
Charles H. Spurgeon
How could we know if God chooses us? What is our position on His sight? What does it mean to be set apart? Does it mean that we have to be blameless first before He can choose us? Or can He still use our lives despite our imperfections?
Sanctification is a word that Spurgeon had taken a long time before he could clearly understand its meaning. He examined the three implications of sanctification in the Old Testament – to set apart, to declare holy, and to make holy. He also explained the beginning and end of the process.
In this 30-pages work, Spurgeon shared what he thought was the connotation of sanctification after hours of meditation and seeking illumination from the Holy Spirit. We can see that even if we are flawed as human beings, we can still serve Him. We are sanctified not because we are holy but because He chose us.

How to Enjoy Bible Study
Hermeneutics by
E.W. Bullinger
Finding joy in discovering and learning the Bible for most Christians is quite challenging. E.W. Bullinger’s How to Enjoy the Bible is a book about how to relish the Scripture. Bullinger provides the ideal method and direction for fully comprehending the Bible’s realities. It takes readers on a journey of open and honest study of the Bible from the inside out, allowing it to speak for itself. Bullinger introduces twelve practical interpretive ideas that help you get the most out of your inductive Bible study. It does, in fact, demonstrate the Bible’s integrity and reliability through internal evidence.
This book’s contents are well-organized, instructive, and simple to comprehend. This book will undoubtedly inspire believers to read, study, and enjoy the Bible’s sacred subject. It will assist in reaching out to more people who will be enthralled and nourished by God’s messages.

Popular Beliefs are the Biblical?
State of the Dead by
Dr. Samuele Bacchocchi
What is the view of different religions about the afterlife? What is the perspective of Egyptians, Greek, Jews, and Christians about Immortality of the Soul? Why did the reformers reject the belief about purgatory? How do the different sects of Christianity evaluate the Bible? Is the Bible free from errors or full of errors? Why are there historical attacks against the Bible, like preventing its distribution and reading by the Roman Empire, Moslems, Communists, and even Catholics and Protestants themselves?
These are some of the questions that Bacchocchi answered. In this book, he presented the popular beliefs that we have today and explained that not because it’s popular, it’s biblical, because it turns out that many of our beliefs are rooted in Greek philosophy. He reexamined if these beliefs are still in harmony with the teachings of Jesus’ day and back it up with what the Bible had said. It was the sincere hope of the author that the truth that God revealed for our salvation could be recovered.

Missionary Methods
Daily Devotional by
Roland Allen
Missionary Methods by Roland Allen is for missionaries who are seeking for guides in discipleship inspired by the works of St. Paul. Allen studies St. Paul’s missionary practices and relates them to contemporary missionary efforts and church planting. For church leaders, missionaries, church planters, and indeed any Christian, this is an enlightening and challenging book. Allen provides numerous insights about Paul’s ministry that will elicit thought. He also points out what he considers to be flaws in present missionary practices and makes recommendations for how to begin ministry and mission.
This book was written with the purpose of helping mission field workers not to rely on their own strategy and to realize that the work they do is not for them, but for the glory of God, and to serve the people.

Profiting From the Word
Daily Devotional by
AW Pink
Enriched with gems from Calvinist and Puritan beliefs and teachings, Profiting from the Word is a book of every curious soul who wondered how much can they gain from reading the Bible on a personal level and those who are working on building their ladder of faith a bit higher. One of the most influential and prominent writers in the second half of the twentieth century, AW Pink was a Christian Evangelist and biblical scholar known for opposing theosophical traditions. It is a little yet great book that uplifts the soul of its reader while also challenging them to profit from the Word of God in a manner that is not only academic but thinks on an intellectual level. Forever changing your quiet times, this book emphasizes observation, contemplation and obedience, and giving the reader a chance to feel what it’s like to be changed by the Word of God.

ScrewTape Letters
Christian Living by
CS Lewis
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its portrayal of human life and failings from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to “Our Father Below.” The Screwtape Letters is a Christian apologetic novel by C. S. Lewis and dedicated to J. R. R. Tolkien. It is written in a satirical, epistolary style and while it is fictional in format, the plot and characters are used to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it. .