Spiritual Growth
Christian Living by
Charles Spurgeon
Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and biblical scholar who was known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings in an era dominated by opposing theological traditions. Pink was one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century. ‘The name which is usually given to our subject by Christian writers is that of “Growth in Grace” which is a scriptural expression, being found 2 Peter 3:18. But it appears to us that, strictly speaking, growing in grace has reference to but a single aspect or branch of our theme: “that your love may abound yet more and more” (Phil. 1:9) treats of another aspect, and “your faith groweth exceedingly” (2 Thess. 1:3), with yet another. It seems then that “spiritual growth” is a more comprehensive and inclusive term and more accurately covers that most important and desirable attainment: “may grow up into him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ” (Eph. 4:15).”

The Man of God
Daily Devotional by
Octavius Winslow
What is the depth of God’s love for us?
The book The Man of God written by Octavius Winslow gives us clearer idea of God’s immeasurable love. Winslow indicates that the religion of Jesus is the only one that guarantees the future and reveals what that future will be. This prospect is a part of Christian hope that stems from faith in Christ that, though death severs for a time the ties that bind loved and precious ones who go to be with Jesus, the Lord will bring them all back into the good land, the celestial Canaan, where the fruit, the flower, and the sunshine are eternal, and the parting is no more. Winslow also indicates in this book the blessing of God’s grace and mercy through forgiveness.

The Varieties of Religious Experience
Daily Devotional by
William James
A philosophical and psychological account of religious tolerance and social cohesion, written for years, The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James is a lifelong pursuit of the examination of a study in human nature. This book is a collection of 20 lectures. These lectures focused on the essence of religion and, in James’ opinion, the academic study of religion’s neglect of science. When it was first published in June 1902, The Varieties of Religious Experience became an instant bestseller. It claims that individual religious experiences, rather than the beliefs of organized religions, form the backbone of religious life, reflecting the pluralistic views of a psychologist turned philosopher William James. Conversion, repentance, mysticism, and the hope of reward versus the fear of punishment in the afterlife are all discussed by James.

All of Grace
Daily Devotional by
Charles H Supurgeon
Incomparably, the most popular and timeless preacher, Spurgeon’s work can be best described as the advancement of Gospel agencies. His books, sermons, magazines and the institutes he founded all revolved around explaining Grace and helping Christians realize and practice true faith. This book is about the steps that God has provided to restore the broken relationship. The book is a bridge that connects devoted Christians to God while filling in the gaps left behind by theology. The author asks his readers to take caution and follow nothing but the word of God. The book is motivational; it encourages its readers to seek salvation and accept change in an attempt to be less selfish and more like Christ. Looking into goodness and righteousness, the tone of the author is strong and straight. The text is untangled, stating that God’s salvation is not only for the righteous but also for the sinners.

Christian Behavior
Daily Devotional by
John Bunyan
In Christian Behavior, puritan preacher John Bunyan takes readers on a journey to behave to please God. A stark contrast to his renowned allegorical classic, this treatise inspires readers to see their true portrayal painted to life by diving into the coveted matters of the Christian heart.
Many who have been the hearers of the word in its public ministry were astonished that not only has he opened their actions, but also the inner recesses of their hearts. The sentiments of every Christian, affluent and poor, outward teachers or openly profane, are depicted in the following pages as if the author had been present in every household on the planet.
Christian Behavior is the most scriptural guide to assisting Christians in fulfillment of relative responsibilities that had ever existed, written with the originality of thought and that peculiar and religious intensity that distinguishes all of Bunyan’s works.

Confidence in God in Times of Danger
Christian Living by
Alexander Carson
In the Book of Esther, one can perceive the synthesis of two seemingly conflicting things: the free agency of man and God’s overruling appointment. Confidence in God in Times of Danger is an ardent exposition of God’s providence. Short but by no means superficial, the author transitions from biblical understanding to contemporary application in the lives of His people. In this passionate exegesis, Christians discover that even the most inconsequential events in the world’s affairs are connected with God’s intentions for His people, anointed and guided by Him to accomplish His objectives. Confidence in God in Times of Danger teaches the believer to have unwavering faith in the care of his God while he is in grave peril, and to look for Him in every event of every day, to put reliance in Him for protection, health, comfort, peace, and all the benefits of life.

Dying to Live
Daily Devotional by
Dying to Live is a theological classic by Aaron Merritt Hills, regarded as one of the most influential teachers of the Holiness movement of the twentieth century. Although it was a sermon written over a century ago, it is unquestionably relevant for today’s young Christians. This religious literature tells of an encounter with God who has reached down, ever so patient, and continues to reach down to offer tangible means of forgiveness and redemption, who continues to serve as His people gathers communally in divine service and their own private devotional lives, who serves through them as they live out their lives as His masks. Dying to Live doesn’t read like a sophisticated theological thesis (though there is enough depth), but rather like something that would be accessible to both inquirers and life-long members. Hills wrote what seems to be a lighthearted personal conversation between a believer and a pastor.

Helps to Holiness
Daily Devotional by
Samuel L. Brengle’s
Is it possible for a man to be holy? Samuel L. Brengle’s book Helps to Holiness explains the theology of full sanctification. It demonstrates how holiness and pure love are linked. This book provides practical examples of how a Salvation Army officer’s life was changed by a holy walk with God. It was written nearly a century ago yet is as current as today’s newspaper because it is a product of sincere and veritable thoughts. Brengle reaches to those who are searching, seeking, and wondering about this thing called “Entire Sanctification”. He describes it succinctly but powerfully and not just as a hypothesis based on hours of research but merely based on his experiences. He exerts a powerful influence today through this book’s teaching and example.