Christians Armour
Daily Devotional by
Arthur W. Pink
Considered by many to be the most influential Puritan today, Pink’s writings have the depth that rivals Puritans, making his work relevant in this century that postdates the Puritan era by several centuries. The deep research is evident in this brief exposition of Ephesians 6:10-18 as it deals with the practicality of faith through a kaleidoscope of helpful observations and dealing with aspects of sanctification. With doctrines in the front ranks of Christian writing, Pink encourages his disciples to seek to walk by the Lord as close as they can; turning from sin and all that is wicked in the spiritual light. The books aim to help Christians in developing a disciplined mind to live for God. He further states that to be strong in grace, one must be weak in sin and that we should be merciless when dealing with corruption. Prayer becomes the armor when we are diligent.