History of Origins of Christianity Vol 5
Early Gospels by
Ernest Renan
The historian argues that Marcus Aurelius, famous for his evenhanded rule and contributions to Stoic philosophy, influenced early Christianity greatly. During the emperor’s reign, Christianity adopted Stoic systems and standards of morality that have since survived into the present. Renan’s account reflects his background in 19th century German higher criticism of the Bible.

History of Origins of Christianity Vol 4
Anti Christ by
Ernest Renan
Joseph Ernest Renan was a French expert of the Middle East ancient languages and civilizations, philosopher and writer, devoted to his native province of Brittany. He is best known for his influential historical works on early Christianity and his political theories, especially concerning nationalism and national identity.

History of Origins of Christianity Vol 3
Apostle Paul by
Ernest Renan
This volume closes the series of essays which I have dedicated to the History of the Origins of Christianity. It contains the exhibition of the development of the Church during the reign of Marcus-Aurelius and the parallel picture of the efforts of philosophy to improve civil society.

History of Origins of Christianity Vol 2
The Apostles by
Ernest Renan
In the second century Papias and St. Justin never mention his name. It was later, when oral tradition came to be regarded as nothing, and when the Scriptures took the place of everything, that Paul assumed a leading part in Christian theology. Paul, it was true, had a theology. Peter and Mary Magdalene had none. Paul left behind him considerable works: none Of the writings of the other apostles are to be compared with his, either in regard to their importance or authenticity.

History of Origins of Christianity Vol 1
Life of Jesus by
Ernest Renan
Renan was best known as the author of the enormously popular Life of Jesus (The History of the Origins of Christianity, Volume 1, 1863). Renan attributed the idea of the book to his sister, Henriette, with whom he was traveling in Ottoman Syria and Palestine when struck with a fever, she died suddenly. With only a New Testament and copy of Josephus as references, he began writing. The book was first translated into English in the year of its publication by Charles E. Wilbour and has remained in print for the past 145 years.

Church History or Life of Constantine
Church History by
Eusebius Pamphilius
Church History or Life of Constantine; This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and, through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age.

Sketches of Church History from AD 33
Church History by
J.C. Robertson
Sketches of Church History from AD 33; This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and, through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age.

Sketches of Church History
Church History by
J.C. Robertson
Sketches of Church History;This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.