House Church Manual
Establishing House Churches by
Dr. B.W. Ing
The nature of a church is a significant matter. In recent times, there have been an upheaval of
publications regarding what He intends for a church to be and become. Many of these materials advocate for a radical retooling of the church’s structures, skins for a modern generation. In House Church Manual, author and church pastor Tenny-Brittian lays the step-by-step approach for founding, expanding, and spreading a house church and its network. In this comprehensive guide, aspiring and hopeful church leaders will receive help in arranging the three network pastor activities of recruiting, training, and establishing new churches. It also covers aid for current house church leaders, presenting established and widely accepted methods of training and accountability. House Church Manual is an intricate and worthwhile material for the Christians braving the holy vocation of church planting.

Getting Started – Planting Handbook for Laypeople
Practical Guide by
Bradley L. Boydston
Planting churches is where God’s heartbeat lies, and the importance of it simply cannot be emphasized enough. Many souls have turned to Christ as a result of someone preaching to them, and what better place to begin than in church? Every worshipper looks forward to times of worshipping and exercising their faith in terms of repentance and devotion in the church.
In this practical guide, Evangelical minister Bradley Boydston opens the door of possibilities for laypeople interested or involved in successfully establishing an Evangelical Covenant church. With the help of over a hundred and twenty laypeople, Getting Started: A Church Planting Handbook is easily a treasure of information in organizing a community of faith that is built upon sincere devotion to God.

Being the Church in Your Small Group
Small Group Leadership by
Multiple Authors
How to be a real influencer in today’s world? Being the Church in Your Small Group by Multiple Authors offers a guide on how being a part of a small group can be extremely beneficial to one’s Christian journey. It will not only give one’s opportunity to worship God with other believers outside of a weekly church session but will also have the opportunity to deepen one’s studies and connections while socializing and having fun.
The book explains how God will set a special place as we follow Him and celebrate His kindness with others. It challenges readers to strive in being part of a small group that will multiply and reproduce a group of believers that will continuously attract and spread for His glory.

Four Fields of Evangelism
Facilitating Church Plant by
Nathan and Kari Shank
Four Fields of Evangelism by Nathan and Kari Shank is a comprehensive guide to sharing the gospel creatively and effectively. Through personal stories, practical teaching, and biblical insights, the authors reveal the four distinct fields of evangelism: public preaching, personal witnessing, church planting, and compassion ministries. They provide a practical roadmap for developing an effective evangelistic strategy in any context, from an inner-city neighborhood to an international mission field. With practical advice on handling difficult situations, the book equips readers to reach people of all backgrounds with the gospel. Four Fields of Evangelism is an invaluable resource that will help readers share the gospel with boldness, clarity, and love.

New Dynamic Church Planting Handbook
Many authors, Many subjectsLeadership, Guide by
Becker, Carpenter, Williams
Church Planting is a vision from God given to some of us. Not everyone is called for the same thing, but we can lend a hand to those who are called to lead one. This book is intended to equip these front liners on church planting, which focuses on the perspective of the mother church as it plants a daughter church. It is published with a vision of equipping Christian leaders to multiply and win the world to Christ. This is a manual for those who felt the call of God to start a new work. If you don’t know how to organize it but want to respond to the call, this book is written for you.

Reaching a Nation by Church Planting
Many authors, Many subjects by
Richard H Harris
There is plenty of research and study about the church growth movement, but who will be willing to apply this knowledge and be wise enough to actually make it? This is a compilation of chapters written by the leading church planters in North America. They shared their calling and showed their best practices in responding to that call. They used various models to include different kinds of people, but they all emphasized love for Christ and love for people. This book is not only about church planting but church multiplication. It focuses on creating strong and growing churches. A move that plant churches that plant churches, thus planting churches exponentially. Church growth and Kingdom growth exist in a symbiotic relationship. If we are to build his Kingdom, we have to plant churches.

Winning the World for Christ
Planting Daughter Churches by
Mark Alan Williams
Winning the World for Christ makes the case that the most biblical and most effective methodology for reaching the world for Jesus is a return to the strategy used by the apostles and early church leaders, the one that turned the world “upside down.” The Bride of Christ was meant to reproduce babies—daughter churches. Read this book to learn the compelling reasons why and how to multiply churches to win the world for Christ.

Church Planting Manual Vol 5
Multiplication and Movement by
Alliance for Church Planting
The Church Planting Manual is a comprehensive guide to successful church planting. It provides a step-by-step process of planning, launching, and sustaining a new church and includes real-life stories and lessons learned by church planters. The book covers everything from the basics of church planting to the more advanced topics of developing a strategic plan, creating a leadership team, and building a healthy culture. The manual also provides practical advice on creating an effective preaching style, recruiting volunteers, and developing a budget. With an emphasis on effective church growth, this manual is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to plant a church.