Comfort for Christians
Christian Life by
A.W. Pink
Comfort for Christians investigates and states the work onto which the servant of Christ is known to be many-sided. Pink preaches the Gospel to the unsaved, feed the people with knowledge, encourages them to develop an understanding and help in taking out the obstacles in the way of a devoted life. He cries out loud, lifts his voice to address the teachings that have helped Christians in trials, doubt and hard times. Inspired by Romans and dealing with Beatitudes, this is a lovely and helpful guide for Christians to help them in facing losses and finding comfort. The book is strongly founded in scripture; it is straightforward with no apologies when declaring the truth in front of theologians and preachers alike. The book also serves as a great introduction to Arthur Pink’s work as he boldly speaks on chastisement, heaven and a kaleidoscope of important subjects in the Christian faith.