Discover the Power in the Prayers of Paul
Practical teaching on prayer by
David Bordon
In the first century, Apostle Paul wrote over ten different prayers for believers, inspired by the Holy Spirit and written to believers in the New Testament. The words of Paul are as pertinent today as they were in the early years of the Christian church. His effectiveness in converting the nations demonstrates his close relationship with God and success in praying for the churches he established all throughout the ancient globe.
Discover the Power in Paul’s Prayers is a thought-provoking and significant book that provides a quick reference to each of Paul’s prayers, made for Christians to pray into their own life. Each prayer is accompanied by in-depth instruction to help one better comprehend the purpose and effectiveness of Paul’s words today. It also allows readers to learn about Paul’s extraordinary life, including how prayer made the unthinkable possible and the inconceivable a reality.