Discovering Christ in all the Scriptures
Reference Typology by
Daniel Fortner
Jesus said that he is the Alpha and the Omega (Beginning and End), but how could it be if we only saw His stories on the Gospel and His name was not even mentioned before that?
Jesus, in human form, may have existed in the New Testament, but it doesn’t mean he was absent in the Old Testament. In this book, Don Fortner listed all the books in the Bible as a chapter. He showed how Christ had been there from the start and will be there till the end of time. We can see how He can be found by type, symbol, and prophecies in each book of the Scriptures. He also presented how the Old Testament writings are connected to Christ and His coming.
Fortner also shows the gist of each book of the Bible and its relation to the whole Scriptures. He hoped to give us a zoom-lens view of those books so that we could grasp His Divine Revelation more fully. So let’s have a holistic look at the Word of God through this book.