Divine Inspiration of the Bible
Doctrine – Theology by
A.W. Pink
Are Christians a company of fanatics who thinks that they are always right? Or are they people who desire to be corrected if they are mistaken? Is the Bible a work of divine inspiration? Or is it merely a work of a poetic or an intellectual individual?
For the past century, there have been assaults made against the Divine origin of the Bible in the name of scholarship and science. Sadly, some who stand in the pulpit even claimed to defend the truth but sow seeds of doubt to those they minister.
In this book, A.W. Pink tackles why the Bible is divinely inspired. He laid out some reasons such as (1) the honesty of writers for not concealing their folly, (2) the timeless truths for what is true back then is still true today, (3) the fulfillment of its prophecies, (4) the unity of the scripture despite diverse authorship in various timelines, and many more. The book contains only 71 pages. If you want to deepen your knowledge without getting intimidated by the thickness of the reading material, this book suits you.