Exegeting Galatians
Doctrine by
Ariel Ben-Lyman Hanaviy
In the book of Galatians, Paul had used many technical words and phrases in the Hebrew language. Unfortunately, these words had a tendency to be greatly misinterpreted if taken out of the 1st century Judaic context. As a result, some interpreters teach concepts that were almost the opposite of their original purpose.
HaNaviy is a Jew who teaches Torah from a Messianic perspective. He doesn’t claim to uncover the whole truth in the book of Galatians. But he is challenging us to take a scientific approach to understand how the believers in Galatia would have taken up the message of Paul. By doing so, we stand a better chance of understanding Paul’s puzzling instructions. Because without the proper background, we will misread the Apostles to the Gentiles. So let’s read Exegeting Galatians and see this epistle with fresh eyes.