Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
Christian Living by
A.W. Pink
What is the most well-known sermon that exists until today? Is it the speech of the most prolific teacher? If it is, then who would that teacher be?
The Sermon of the Mount is God’s instruction on how we should live as we follow His way. This book by A.W. Pink is a verse by verse exposition covering Matthew 5 to 7. It answers the questions raised about the meaning of the Lord’s sermon and brings out its practical teaching that we can apply to our lives. In this book, we will be confronted by many false ideas that most of us had probably heard and believed about the Lord’s sermon. Moreover, its message will not pamper our ego but lead us to examine our lives in the light of the Scriptures. So if you crave for deeper things and you want to understand the inner life in Christ, pick this book.