Gleanings from the Book of Life
Daily Devotional by
Henry Law
It is not a new conviction to Henry Law when he writes on the large spaces the Church and its affairs occupy in the minds, thoughts, writings and discourses, noting that the attention to ‘semblance of religion’ has never been the failure of the present day. As rank weeds; luxury, pleasure, pride and selfishness prevails in many forms; it overruns the civilization and they are not invested in stimulating the interest of the masses in spirituality and its concerns. In admits of all ambiguity, he states that zeal for all forms of devotion holds its ground, withstanding the blasts of infidelity and superstition. Henry Law concludes his work by curating multiple messages from scattered passages to highlight the truth that pervades the sacred volume, the truth that amid exertion in the name of religion, the remedy of sin is always neglected and sorrowful men spend their energies in sowing chaff.