Glorious Institution_ The Church part 3-4
Church History by
Stanford E. Murrell
Glorious Institution The Church Parts 3-4, by Stanford E. Murrell, continues the story of the rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In Part 3, Murrell examines the Church’s expansion and growth through missionary work and the introduction of new temples. Murrell also discusses how the Church has grown to become a global institution, with members in countries worldwide. In Part 4, Murrell explores how the Church has adapted and evolved, including introducing priesthood and expanding its social and political influence. In Parts 3 and 4, Murrell examines how the Church has become a powerful force in our world and how it has impacted its members’ lives. With its focus on the Church’s history and development, Glorious Institution The Church Parts 3-4 is essential for anyone interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.