Learning Hebrew while studying the Old Testament
Hebrew Language by
Puritans’ Home School Curriculum
But as the titles suggest, the primary goal of these courses is the study of the Old and
New Testaments of the Bible, and learning some Hebrew and Greek are only
supplemental goals. Indeed, the hope is that learning some Hebrew and Greek along the
way will help in the study of the Bible. There will be much reading of the Bible in
English as part of this course, so as to make sure the primary end of the course is not lost
as a result of a merely secondary goal.

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible
Hebrew Language by
Jeff A Benner
The authors of the Biblical text are writing from within their culture to those of the
same culture. In order to fully understand the text one needs to understand the culture
and thought processes of the Hebrew people.
All existing Hebrew Lexicons of the Bible convert the vocabulary of the ancient
Hebrews into a vocabulary compatible to our modern western language. The greatest
problem with this is that it promotes western thought when reading the Biblical text. In
this Lexicon the mind of the reader is transformed into an eastern one in order to
understand the text through the eyes of the ancient Hebrews who penned the words of
the Bible.

Ancient Hebrew Language
Hebrew Language by
Jeff A. Benner
The study of the Ancient Hebrew language and alphabet
begins with an understanding of the Ancient Hebrew
culture as both are intimately related. The original letters
of the Hebrew alphabet was actually pictures, or
pictographs, similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Each
picture represented an object whose definition is closely
related to the agricultural lifestyle of the Ancient
Hebrews. By studying the culture and lifestyle of the
Ancient Hebrews we can better understand their language.

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary
Dictionary by
This book has been designed to be a quick reference guide for
looking up the meaning of common Hebrew words found in
the Hebrew Bible, as well as a resource for learning the
Hebrew vocabulary.
Within this book is a list of the 1000 most frequently used
Hebrew verbs (379) and nouns (621) from the Hebrew Bible.
Each word entry includes:

Aleph Tav Study Guide
Hebrew Language by
Dennis Northington
The focus of my study is on the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the Aleph and Tav . These are familiar to many as the Greek letters “Alpha and Omega”.
This study uses the Hebrew Masoretic Text (“MT”) as a source which is recognized by Judaism as well as Christianity as being an authoritative resource of the ancient Hebrew scrolls.

Torah For Dummies
Understanding Torah by
Arthur Kurzweil
Torah For Dummies;The foundation of Hebrew and Jewish religion, thought, law, and society is the Torah–the parchment scroll containing the text of the Five Books of Moses that is located in every synagogue. This accessible guide explains the Torah in clear language, even to those who were not raised in the Jewish religious tradition. Christians who want to know more about the Jewish roots of Christianity need to understand the Torah, as do followers of Islamic tradition and those interested in the roots of Abrahamic faiths.

Hebraic Literature
Hebrew Roots – Judaism by
Maurice Harris
Hebraic Literature;What is the Talmud? There is more than one answer. Ostensibly it is the corpus juris of the Jews from about the first century before the Christian era to about the fourth after it. But we shall see as we proceed that the Talmud was much more than this. The very word “Law” in Hebrew—”Torah”—means more than its translation would imply. The Jew interpreted his whole religion in terms of law. It is his name in fact for the Bible’s first five books—the Pentateuch.

Glossary of Jewish Words and Phrases
Religious Words and their Meanings. by
Description- Very useful for new believers