Aleph Tav Study Guide
Hebrew Language by
Dennis Northington
The focus of my study is on the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the Aleph and Tav . These are familiar to many as the Greek letters “Alpha and Omega”.
This study uses the Hebrew Masoretic Text (“MT”) as a source which is recognized by Judaism as well as Christianity as being an authoritative resource of the ancient Hebrew scrolls.

Argumentum Ex Silentio
The Gentiles and Torah by
Bruce Booker
The argument from silence (also called argumentum ex silentio in Latin) is generally a conclusion based on silence or lack of contrary evidence. In the field of classical studies, it often refers to the deduction from the lack of references to a subject in the available writings of an author to the conclusion that he was ignorant of it.” In this document, I seek to answer the following question that seems to plague the Messianic Community today: “Does the Torah apply to non-Jewish believers in Yeshua/Jesus?

Depart From Me
Lawlessness by
Bruce Booker
Depart from me Jesus said in Matthew 7: 21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'”And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’ In that statement we discover the criteria of entry into the Kingdom.

Nazarene Jews and The Oral Law
What about Oral Law? by
Daniel Klustein
Nazarene Jews and the Oral Law ;This short work will try to give an objective evaluation of the Jewish oral tradition as it is recollected in the works of the Sages, namely, in the Talmud, the Midrash, and the early commentaries as well as in the code of Jewish law. Our concerns shall range over the issues of the validity of the Oral Law, its applications and its limitations according to its fidelity to the revelation of God given to us in the Bible.

Beyond Salvation
Introduction to Hebrew Roots by
Rabbi Adam J. Bernay
Beyond Salvation;It is a subject many Christian leaders don’t want their followers to know about: the Commandments of God as found in the Torah (Five Books of Moses) and their application to their lives. Messianic Rabbi Adam J. Bernay shows the reader the right and wrong way to look at Torah, why Christians should follow the Commandments, and how to get started.

We Have the Mind of Messiah
Faith of Yeshua by
Bruce Booker
We have the mind of Messiah ;Dr. Brad H. Young, in his book, The Parables Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation, writes these words to us: “The Jewishness of Jesus is related to faith in the one God of Israel. Too often faith in Jesus completely overshadows the faith of Jesus.” In short, our faith as believers in and disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) should be the same faith as Yeshua had when He walked on this earth! That is the meaning of true discipleship.

The Problem with Paul
Paul Upheld Torah by
Bruce Booker
The Problem with Paul;We have been told that as believers in Jesus that since Jesus “fulfilled” the Law as found in the “Old Testament” and “did away with the Law” that we don’t have to keep it. The purpose of this book is to share with believers in Jesus that we need to reconsider seriously what we have been taught and insure that what we have been taught by our pastors, professors, and fellow believers is indeed true and solidly in line with all of Scripture – or we may very well find ourselves in opposition to God!

Paul’s Difficult Scriptures
Paul Affirmed Torah by
Phil Neal
Paul was a second Temple period Pharisee and expert Torah scholar and teacher. As we will see, many of his writings even draw from deep, mystical, Hebrew concepts about God.