The Problem with Paul
Roots of Christianity by
Bruce Booker
The purpose The Problem with Paul is to share with believers in Jesus that we need to reconsider seriously what we have been taught and insure that what we have been taught by our pastors, professors, and fellow believers is indeed true and solidly in line with all of Scripture – or we may very well find ourselves in opposition to God!

On Galatians and Torah
Galatians upholding Torah by
Torah Research
Historically, the book of Galatians has been widely misunderstood, due largely to the technical discussions of biblical topics ranging from circumcision, to the Torah, to freedom in Christ. A contextual study of Galatians will help to unravel the letter for both Christians and Jews. Associating Pharisaismwith Moses,thephrase“worksoflaw”(especiallyin Galatians)isquitem is understood inmainstream Christianity—particularly consider ingthe Protest antbe lief that the Law has been some how null if ied by Jesus’ sacrifice. According to such skewedtheology, on one side of the fence is Moses and the Torah—the Pharisees, asrepresent at ives of that “Old Test a mentreligion.” On the other side is Jesus,Paul and grace.n

Exegeting Galatians
Galatians and Torah by
Ariel Ben-Lyman HaNaviy
Historically, the book of Galatians has been widely misunderstood, due largely to the technical discussions of biblical topics ranging from circumcision, to the Torah, to freedom in Christ. A contextual study of Galatians will help to unravel the letter for both Christians and Jews. To be sure, without a proper background to the book we will forever misread Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles. For this particular study, allow me to start in B’resheet (Genesis) with Avraham and circumcision. If we begin to peel back the mysteries surrounding this simple biblical command we stand a better chance at understanding Rav Sha’ul (Apostle Paul) and his enigmatic instructions.

An Exposition of Galatians
The “New Perspective” by
Don Garlington
An Exposition of Galatians states that the present commentary seeks to be a kind of halfway house between highly technical and popular treatments of Galatians. Its purpose is to make the exposition as user-friendly as possible with only as many technicalities as necessary to accomplish that end. The emphasis of the work is decidedly theological, with attention focused on the salvation historical argument of Paul’s letter. Its main target audience includes pastors, students, and Pauline scholars.

Justification and Covenantal Nomianism by
Dr.NT. Wright
In this Justification a riveting book, N. T. Wright explains that God’s salvation is radically more than this. At the heart of much vigorous debate on this topic is the term the apostle Paul uses in several of his letters to describe what happens to those in Christ?justification. Paul uses this dramatic image from the law court to declare that Christians are acquitted of the cosmic accusations against them. But justification goes beyond this in Paul’s writings to offer a vision of God’s future for the whole world as well as for his people.

Paul and Palestinian Judaism
Early Palestinian Judaism by
Paul and Palestinian Judaism ;In the past three decades reasons have accumulated for a transformation of our whole picture of Judaism in first-century Palestine. Sanders has listened to those reasons; he has done his homework; and he undertakes here to shift the question about Paul’s relation to that Judaism into a fundamentally different perspective.

What Saint Paul Really Said
Paul the founder of Christianity? by
Dr. NT. Wright
What Saint Paul Really Said;Paul has provoked people as much in recent times as he did when he was alive. Some regard him as a pestilent and dangerous fellow. Others think of him as the greatest teacher of Christianity after Jesus himself. In this book, leading theologian Tom Wright focuses on key areas of Paul’s teaching,helping us to understand what he was doing and saying. He sweeps away the confusion of much modern theology to uncover the real man and his message.

What is Nazarene Judaism?
First Believers were Nazarenes by
James Scott Trimm
An account of the ancient Sect of the Nazarenes, the original followers of Yeshua as the Messiah.