Who is Israel?
Church and/or Israel? by
Bruce Booker
Who is Israel? explores; Is Israel simply a person, or a people? If a people, who does it consist of? For many centuries now, the Church has proclaimed that it has replaced the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In this book, we examine the implications of that proclamation in the light of Scripture and history.

Reclaiming Yeshua for Judaism
Yeshua and Judaism by
James Scott Trimm
Forget everything you have ever heard about “Jesus” . The majority of it is simply false. His name was not Jesus, he was not born on December 25th, he was not the founder of Christianity, he did not wear a toga, have blue eyes, a goatee beard or blond hair. The historical “Jesus of Nazareth” has been hijacked by Gentiles, paganized, helenized and stripped of his Torah Observant Judaism.

Understanding the Life & Ministry of Jesus
Hebraic Perspective by
Dr.John DeLancey
Understanding Jesus in the historical context of second temple Judaism, John digs deep into the biblical lands for the sake of spiritual growth and appreciating the roots of Christianity. He attempts to present a plain view of who Jesus was from an undervalued perspective. His research and new approach have led to discoveries that can give a better insight on Jesus by returning to the Jewish culture, heritage, social and political culture in which Jesus lived. John explores the fundamental traditions of the Jewish faith, illustrating a perspective that is prudent for Christians today to understand the ministry and message of Jesus and further applying it to their contemporary lives. The author addresses the role of the Torah and the rabbinic technology as well as the sects of Yeshua’s Day to achieve the intended purpose. More specifically, John DeLancey concludes that the Christian scriptures reflect the Herabic view of reality.

Provocation to Jealousy
Church, Judaism and Torah by
Bruce Booker
There has been a great debate and dissention in the Messianic Movement for quite some time now. It has to do with non-Jewish believers embracing the Torah. Many Jewish believers in the Movement are opposed to Gentile observance of Torah, calling the Torah a “Jewish Identifier.” But are they right in saying this? Perhaps the opposition is due to something else and these Torah-observing non-Jewish believers are doing something else to provoke such a reaction from their Jewish counterparts? Perhaps this is evidence of something that the non-Jewish believers in Yeshua should be doing: that is “provoking the Jews to jealousy.”

Nazarene Judaism Manifesto
Nazarene Judaism by
James Scott Trimm
“Judaism or Christianity… has used the term “Messianic Judaism” as its appropriate designation.
(Jewish Roots; 1986 edition, p. viii)
The original followers of Yeshua were a sect of Judaism known as “Nazarenes” (as we read in Acts 24:5).
The term “Messianic Judaism” was invented in the late 60’s and it is a human invention. David Stern writes in his Messianic Jewish Manifesto.”

Torah For Dummies
Understanding Torah by
Arthur Kurzweil
Torah For Dummies;The foundation of Hebrew and Jewish religion, thought, law, and society is the Torah–the parchment scroll containing the text of the Five Books of Moses that is located in every synagogue. This accessible guide explains the Torah in clear language, even to those who were not raised in the Jewish religious tradition. Christians who want to know more about the Jewish roots of Christianity need to understand the Torah, as do followers of Islamic tradition and those interested in the roots of Abrahamic faiths.

Aleph-Tav Herald of Messiah
Aleph Tav in Torah by
Dennis Northington
The Messianic Aleph/Tav ?? Scriptures (MATS) was written to be a Study Bible and is the most unique rendition of the Tanakh* (Old Testament) Bible of its kind in the world. Unequivocally the greatest symbol in biblical history since it was revealed by the Apostle John is the Aleph/Tav ?? Character Symbol. It is the HOLY GRAIL OF THE SCRIPTURES and the reason is because it unlocks the mystery to the greatest treasures man can ever hope to comprehend from the Scriptures.

Messianic Glossary
Messianic Vocabulary by
Description Messianic terminology is used to express the biblical faith in the Messiah because such terminology was how the New Covenant faith was expressed in its earliest stages.
Messianic believers like talking about their faith in the Messiah in a manner consistent with Jewish heritage and culture. Belief in the Messiah is consistent with being Jewish.
He is the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel. Using Messianic terminology imparts faith in Messiah to children, friends and family in a manner consistent with Jewish heritage.
Messianic terms communicate biblical truth without the negative baggage of historical anti-Semitism.