Digging up Hebrew Roots
Is this Faith Once Delivered? by
Ronald Dart & Pam Dewey
Digging up Hebrew Roots;There is a growing movement of non-Jewish Christians who are immersing themselves in the customs, practices, and beliefs of Judaism. This trend is no longer an obscure development at the fringe of the religious landscape. Men, such as former Baptists and Methodists, have taken Jewish names, the title of “Rabbi,” and started synagogues thinking that true Christianity has its roots firmly in first century Judaism. But does it? When Christians become disillusioned with this or that church, they go abroad searching for meaning to replace what they lost. We pass many dead-end byways in life.

Jewish Roots of Christianity
Roots of Christianity by
Jefferey Harrison
Learn (#1) how Christianity rejected the Jews, Jewish Christians, and its own Jewish roots, (#2) how this rejection led it far away from God’s plan and purpose, and (#3) how God is pointing the way back
home in our generation. We have to look back into the history of Christianity, but not the kind of Church history most of us are familiar with. There is a dark side to Church history that most people know nothing about: a history of hatred, persecution, and rejection of the Jews, of Jewish Christians,
and of Christianity’s Jewish roots. This is a hidden history that every Christian needs to know. And God has chosen this generation to hear this message and to act on it.

Judaism Revelation of Moses or Religion of Man?
Judaism Customs by
Philip Neal
This book is different. It pulls no punches, but it is fair. The historic origins of the religion are examined along with key examples of its modern-day application. How and why did Judaism develop? What were the major influences? What fundamental ideas and circumstances led to the origin and advancement of the so-called oral law and the Jews subsequent abandonment of the Scriptures as the sole authority in human affairs?

Is Judaism the Religion of Moses?
Early Church Roots by
Ernest Martinh
Judaism was not one unified organization. Actually, there were many religious sects comprising it. And, even within some of these major sects there were many “splinter” groups which had their own ideas and beliefs. In many respects, the Judaism of Christ’s time was not unlike our own world. We have many competitive sects representing “Christianity.” So likewise, the Jews had their divisions, differing sects representing “Judaism.”

Nazarene Israel
Original Faith of Apostles by
Yosef ben Ruach
Scripture and the words of the Church Fathers) that the original faith of the Apostles was not called Christianity; but that it was called Nazarene Israel? And what if this new study showed that the original Nazarene Israelite faith differed from today’s Western Gentile Christianity in several vital respects?

Jewish Roots of Christianity
Church Hebraic Origins by
Jefferey Harrison
Description Learn (#1) how Christianity rejected the Jews, Jewish Christians, and its own Jewish roots, (#2) how this rejection led it far away from God’s plan and purpose, and (#3) how God is pointing the way back home in our generation. We have to look back into the history of Christianity, but not the kind of Church history most of us are familiar with. There is a dark side to Church history that most people know nothing about: a history of hatred, persecution, and rejection of the Jews, of Jewish Christians, and of Christianity’s Jewish roots. This is a hidden history that every Christian needs to know. And God has chosen this generation to hear this message and to act on it.

Hebraic Roots
Church Jewish Roots by
Ken Harrison
Hebraic Roots was written to outline the path to establish the true Biblical roots of our faith. The information contained herein is readily documented historically. The conclusions drawn are not based on obscure interpretations of the Scriptures or of history. They flow quite readily from the simple information available to us. The steps outlined have been tested in a local church setting and have been found to provide a great opportunity of witness both in the Jewish and Gentile communities. In other words, the steps outlined here work.

Our Lost Legacy
Christianity’s Hebrew Heritage by
Dr.John Carr
For the past nineteen centuries, millions of believers have been denied their biblical legacy, the riches of the Hebrew foundations of their Christian faith. Christian Judaeophobia, anti-Judaism, and anti-Semitism have conspired to rob them of the treasures of their inheritance. Our Lost Legacy presents selected essays and lectures that urge the church to recover its Hebraic heritage, its connection with the Jewish matrix from which it was produced. These pages call Christians back to the Bible, to the roots of faith that enrich lives and equip believers to achieve greater maturity through a more complete knowledge of Jesus, the church’s Hebrew Lord.