Henry Mahan Bible Commentaries Vol 1
Bible Commentary by
Henry Mahan
Bible Commentaries is a three-volume series discussing Pastor Mahan’s materials for study in his congregation’s Sunday Bible classes. Included in this riveting religious study are With New Testament Eyes (Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament) and The Gospel According to Isaiah. By 1983, he had completed most of the New Testament epistles verse by verse, and had added teachings from most of the Old Testament with much dedication.
Bible Commentaries is the product of Mahan’s perseverance in documenting, discerning, and compiling of his thoughts and understanding, and is considered a material that continues to enrich the souls of the faithful just as it had since its first early publication. In his words to a dear companion and fellow preacher, Bro. Donald Fortner, Mahan says that should one learn what the message of the book is, it would be, “Christ is all.”