Night Scenes in the Bible
Daily Devotional by
Daniel March
“Jacob wrestling with the angel, the passage of Israelites on the sea, the Magi tracking down the Messiah through the brightest star in the sky, Peter walked on waters, the last supper, Jesus weeping at the garden of Gethsemane, Paul’s escape from prison—aside from being dramatic scenes in the Bible filled with miracles, what do these scenes have in common?
In this book, we can see that most of the dramatic scenes in the Bible happened at night. The writing style of Daniel March is exquisite that reading his work is like visiting the Holy Land, being transported to the scenes in the Bible, and meeting its characters.
Jesus is the light of the world, and we are His adopted siblings. Just as the stars in the sky are brightest during the deepest night, so is our faith magnified during the darkest hours. So as children of light, we should not fear the darkness but shine even brightly as miracles unfold.

TROPOLOGIA, A Key to open Scripture metaphors
Biblical Typology by
Benjamin Keach
SCRIPTURE METAPHORS, IN FOUR BOOKS TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED Arguments to prove the Divine Authority of the Holy Bible, together with old testament Typology.
Troposchemalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also ‘this largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, with an improvement of them parallel-wise..

Dictionary of Biblical Names
Reference Book by
JB Jackson
In the middle of pursuing his studies in the Bible, J.B. Jackson came across the dilemma; a considerable proportion of the Bible remains untranslated when we read in the context of Proper names. Believing that there is no idle word in God’s book, J.B. Jackson started preparing an orderly inventory of Proper names from the Old and the New Testaments. He expressed that all scriptures are a direct source of inspiration from God and an indispensable source of wisdom and doctrines that cannot be ignored. J.B Jackson has published his results in this book after securing every possible and accurate rendering of Proper names, hoping that it will benefit others who share in his interest. J.B. Jackson went straight to the root of the Proper name, drawing from its original language and authoritative sources. Jackson has undergone thorough researches to prepare these etymologies. This book reflects his struggle and persistence.

Hard sayings of the bible
Bible Language Explained by
Walter C. Kaiser
Hard Sayings of the Bible provides easy to read answers to the difficult verses in the bible that makes sense to the general reader. It is a handy reference book that explains over 500 troubling bible verses to find solutions ranging from everyday discrepancies to God’s justice. The author sheds a contemporary light on the passages, making them more relevant today, as opposed to the general practice of travelling through time and finding ancient meanings irrelevant in these modern times. The book lists over dozen of new chronologies, essays, articles, linguistic cross-references and cultural backgrounds, combining resources to untie the scriptural knots. The author’s research academic record and vast experience as a professor of theology shine through in this 1990 Christianity Today Critic’s Choice Award. His command over the scripture, biblical criticism and exegesis cuts through the heavy verses on miracles and prophesies, eventually sorting out misunderstandings, contradictions and confusion.

Typology in Scripture
Commentary Reference by
George L. Faull
This work by George Faull is like a literary analysis of the Bible. It talks about the interpretation of types and symbols seen in the Bible and their connection with each other. It shows the analogy of Christ to biblical characters like David, Jonathan, Nehemiah, Jonah, Joseph, Noah, Isaac, and others. It illustrates the contrast between Adam and Christ, the two kinds of trees mentioned in the New and Old Testament, Paradise and the New Jerusalem, etc. It describes how the Ark is a type of church, flood as a type of judgment, and Joseph’s brethren a type of Israel. It identifies the names used to describe Christ in each book of the Bible. It explains why Heaven is a great place. It also clarifies the meaning of words used to describe several concepts that were not easy to understand. In short, it provides in-depth learning for Bible students. So, if you are a serious student of the Scripture, this book should be part of your reference.

TROPOLOGIA, A Key to open Scripture metaphors
Biblical Typology by
Benjamin Keach
SCRIPTURE METAPHORS, IN FOUR BOOKS TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED Arguments to prove the Divine Authority of the Holy Bible, together with old testament Typology.
Troposchemalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also ‘this largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, with an improvement of them parallel-wise..

Homiletics Class – Singapore Bible College
Homiletics – Preaching by
Rick Griffith
Description Complete college level course in craftin Expository sermons, althrough the expositional process of exegesis, theology, and homiletics with attention to the strategic use of rhetorical argumentation, manuscripting (style and clarity) and finally,the preaching of two sermons .

Hermeneutics SouthEasternSeminary Class Book 2
Homiletics – Hermeneutics – Preaching by
Daniel Akin
Hermeneutics in 12 Lessons –Thisis actually a book of 12 separate lessons as taught in a class dealing with subjects then doing a casestudy on specific examples. Subjects include grammar, figures of speech and prophetic symbolism.

Homiletics Class – Singapore Bible College
Homiletics – Preaching by
Rick Griffith
Complete college level course in craftin Expository sermons, althrough the expositional process of exegesis, theology, and homiletics with attention to the strategic use of rhetorical argumentation, manuscripting (style and clarity) and finally,the preaching of two sermons .