Hermeneutics South Eastern Seminary Class
Homiletics – Hermeneutics – Preaching by
Daniel Akin
For the Use of Schools, Bible-Classes, and Families. It is hoped that this present attempt may not be without something of its intended use, in furnishing such a compilation, easy to be procured and easy to be read, for the assistance of teachers. If it should in any measure answer this design, it will accomplish an object of vast usefulness. If, however, the remarks which have already been made are well founded, a work this kind may be reasonably expected to be yet more extensively useful.

How to Study and Teach the Bible
Hermeneutics Textbook – Singapore Bible College by
Dr. Rick Griffith
This course will cover philosophy of Hermeneutics, then cover some methods of studying the different genres of scripture. The last section is an hands on study – Observe the text, Interpret it, then Apply it.

Hermeneutics Text Book
Seminary Class Notes by
Daniel Akin – South Eastern Seminary
Large Text book that covers Hermeneutics class

Homiletics Class – Singapore Bible College
Seminary Class Notes by
Complete college level course in craftin Expository sermons, althrough the expositional process of exegesis, theology, and homiletics with attention to the strategic use of rhetorical argumentation, manuscripting (style and clarity) and finally,the preaching of two sermons .

How to Study and Teach the Bible
Inductive Study by
Elmer Towns
HOW TO STUDY AND TEACH THE BIBLE.These lessons are different than most books that tell you how to study the Bible. This
book begins where they leave off with general principles of hermeneutics (principles to interpret
the Bible). This book tells how to study different kinds of Scripture. Therefore, this will be a
specific book to help you Study and Teach the Bible.

Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World – Version 2001 and 2002
Seminary Class Notes by
Dr. Timothy Keller and Dr. Edmund Clowney
Originally taught as a Doctor of Ministry course, Dr. Keller and Dr. Clowney (1917-2005) ask, “Is Jesus made visible in every sermon or only talked about?” By analyzing and deconstructing other models of preaching that either exhort on moral levels or attempt to evoke an emotional response, Dr.’s Keller and Clowney provide a model of preaching that is Christocentric. The iTunes site states that it cannot provide the class notes…These hard to find notes were provided those doctorate classes by Dr. Keller at Reformed Theological Seminary which became the basis for these Free iTunes lectures. These 2002 edition/version notes were expanded to 188 pages.

Christ Centered Preaching Seminary Class Transcripts
Seminary Class Notes by
Dr Bryan Chapell
Dr. Bryan Chapell, president of Covenant Theological Seminary, explores the unifying principle of grace that binds all Scripture together. These are the transcripts for his 28 lectures that make up this excellent class. The free audio downloads that accompany these transcripts/notes are found on iTunes under Christ-Centered preaching:Preparation and Delivery of Sermons.

First Principles of Bible Study
Practical Bible Study by
Harold Camping
As we examine and critique the hermeneutical principles set forth in Mr. Camping’s book, we shall find that many of them are orthodox while others reek of ancient Greek philosophy and vain speculation. His book is divided into three sections: Biblical Interpretation, The Bible is its Own Interpreter, The Bible has More Than One Level of Meaning