My Homiletic Swimming Pool
Homiletics Preparation by
Timothy Tow
Swimming Pool, this is the first book on Homiletics written by Timothy Tow. Although many books on homiletics abound in Christian book rooms today, this book is quite different from the rest. Illustrated also are his four forms of support for powerful and effective preaching, namely, Statement, Restatement, Illustration and Testimony

How Sermons Work
Early Christian Fathers by
How do sermons work? How does a preacher get from the basic nuts and bolts of a few Bible verses to the delivery of a full sermon? That s the question David Murray answers in this instructive and immensely practical book. He demonstrates that behind the thirty to forty-five minutes we see and hear on a Sunday morning are many hours of mental, spiritual and practical labour. Like all pastoral labour, it involves head, heart and hand.

The Demonstration of Apostolic Preaching
Early Christian Fathers by
The demonstration of Apostolic Preaching; In a day of many and varied denominations, one might wonder what the doctrine and belief of the unified apostolic church looked like. Due to a modern day discovery of an ancient, lost manuscript, now we know. The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching is a faithful trasmission of what the intellectual Christian was taught in the second century. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, famed as the subduer of heretics and as the most brilliant Chrisitian mind of his day, now brings us this early body of doctrine, being only decades removed from the apostles of Christ.

A Simple Guide to Preaching
Homiletics by
Gerald Rowlands
The notes were originally prepared for the students of the “Africa Christian TrainingSchool” in Harare, Zimbabwe.I would also like to acknowledge the insight and inspiration I received from reading”Notes on Homiletics” by Aaron Linford (England).Seven years of ministry in Africa has brought me into contact with thousands of pastors and church leaders; most have never had the opportunity of any formal training in the art of preaching and teaching.

Heralds of God
Proclaiming God by
James S. Stewart
This classic book on evangelical preaching, first published in 1946, has inspired generations of preachers to strive for greater effectiveness in their proclamations.

Preaching and the Emerging Church
Emerging Church Preachers by
Bohannon, Driscol, Pagitt
The emerging church movement has significantly influenced contemporary Christianity. Evidence abounds-the creation of blogs, conferences, seminary classes, doctorate programs, and the birth of an entire class of literature. In recent years much has been written to help the church better understand this latest Christian phenomenon. However, a deficiency still exists when it comes to understanding the role of preaching within the movement. Since preaching is God’s appointed means to convert sinners and preserve the church, then an understanding of this movement’s preaching is of vital importance to the church and the culture it serves.

Strategy of Preaching
Sermon Preparation by
Max Alderman
This is a new and expanded edition of “The Strategy of Preaching” by evangelist and Bible teacher, W. Max Alderman. It contains in-depth lessons on sermon (and preacher) preparation from a seasoned and masterful expository preacher, evangelist, and former pastor. “This book has been written as a practical study guide for the preacher. It is my hope that this study will stimulate and inspire new and different a venues of study from the precious, never changing ‘Word of God.'” – W. Max Alderman.

Creativity in Preaching
Visual Aids and Media by
J. Grant Howard
Sunday morning worship is often the last place we look for or want creativity, and the sermon least of all. Even those who consider themselves “creative” may not know how to use their imagination in purposeful and appropriate ways in preaching. But there is no single best way to preach. And that is what Grant Howard’s book, CREATIVITY IN PREACHING, is about. There are different and interesting means to present the message of the gospel without perverting the truth or affronting the Revealer.