Joseph Alleine His Companions and Times
Biography by
Charles Stanford
The book is a preservation of the rare history of Joseph Alleine, whose devotion to truth is fading away in modern times. Today, Joseph Alleine is similar to a dead name without history and personality. His lifelong sufferings are wonders in this age, no matter how obscure he was, compared to many eminent men. A lot remains untold about Joseph and his companions, and this book presents that information with heart and research. The heroic age of non-conformity needs correct and complete understanding for which the author comes through. Charles emphasizes the need to know about ministers and congregation such as Joseph Alleine rather than just commanding genius for their influence adds to the bigger picture. Charles invites his readers to study these ministers and their principles. This book is a great introduction to men and women that the author has followed in their daily walks, from prison to death.