Josiahs Reformation
History by
Richard Sibbes
For Richard Sibbes, it is more to the world than what is visible. He has always been inclined towards seeking out all that is hidden in the heart of his listener’s behaviors. He was convinced that sin stems from inner desires residing and growing in the heart, and without reaching and pulling these desires from the roots, altering the person’s behavior will result in hypocrisy and can manifest the cold and self-righteous cloak for a heart that is dark deep within. Published first in 1629, this book is as relevant today because Sibbes believed in turning the hearts of people. A narrative that needs to be reintroduced today as our busy lives degenerate into hypocrisy where we keep the outward routine and appearance of holiness without having the heart for it. Sibbes believed in a world where Christians enjoyed Christ first, before using him as a package to pass on.