Life of Dr John Owen
Biography by
Andrew Thompson
In this book, Andrew Thompson meticulously details the spiritual experiences of Dr. John Owen, a literary giant, an influential figure and arguably one of the most accomplished British theologians till today. Andrew traces the story of John, from his birth in Stadhampton, his ministry in Coggeshall, being a pastor in London to his service as vice-chancellor of Oxford University. This book honors a legacy of an eminent figure that possessed brilliance. The author draws from contemporary records, historical statements and early reminiscences of John’s life to build an accurate case. Andrew’s intimate touches give the book an unconscious flavor as it is like an autobiography. This style reflects Andrew’s ability to transform research material and solid judgment into a captivating preface that is his signature and apparent in his works. Andrew’s allowance of biographical tone and honesty is perhaps the best way to capture an excellent sketch of John’s life.