On Galatians and Torah
Galatians upholding Torah by
Torah Research
Historically, the book of Galatians has been widely misunderstood, due largely to the technical discussions of biblical topics ranging from circumcision, to the Torah, to freedom in Christ. A contextual study of Galatians will help to unravel the letter for both Christians and Jews. Associating Pharisaismwith Moses,thephrase“worksoflaw”(especiallyin Galatians)isquitem is understood inmainstream Christianity—particularly consider ingthe Protest antbe lief that the Law has been some how null if ied by Jesus’ sacrifice. According to such skewedtheology, on one side of the fence is Moses and the Torah—the Pharisees, asrepresent at ives of that “Old Test a mentreligion.” On the other side is Jesus,Paul and grace.n