Profiting From The Word
Doctrine – Theology by
A.W. Pink
What can you gain spiritually from reading and studying the Bible? Does reading the scriptures make you a better person? Or does this store of knowledge increase your pride to look down on others who are more ignorant than you? What is your motive for taking up the word of God?
People read the Scriptures for various reasons. Some read to satisfy their literary pride and brag about it. Some read to satisfy their sense of curiosity. Some read to argue to those who differ from them and prove that their belief is the right doctrine. How about us? What is our motive for reading the Bible? How does the Scripture truly benefit our soul?
In this A.W. Pink’s classic work, he discussed the relationship between the Scriptures and several topics of the Bible such as sin, prayer, good works, obedience, promises, joy, etc. He also provided seven main points for each chapter that explains how we can profit from reading the Scriptures or what must we do for our soul to profit from it.