Doctrine of Revelation
Daily Devotional by
AW Pink
The vast majority in the English-speaking world are totally ignorant of the contents of the Bible, know not that it is a Divine revelation, yea, question whether there be any God at all. Yet modern skepticism is rarely candid, but is rather a refuge in which multitudes are sheltering from an accusing conscience. With such we are not here concerned, for where a prejudiced mind and a caviling spirit obtain, argument is useless; and we can but leave them unto the sovereign mercy of the Lord.”

Prophetic Ministry
End Times – Prophecy by
T.A. Sparks
“Where do we go for clear, simple and seasoned understanding of a ministry as important as a prophet?
The answer is just as simple and clear—T. AUSTIN SPARKS.
This respected and proven voice from our past speaks with wisdom and authority on one of the most misunderstood but essential ministries in the church today. He talks about man, the passion, the voice ”

Second Coming of Christ
End Times – Prophecy by
Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon’s “The Second Coming of Christ” a collection of seven lectures on several prophetic texts. Spurgeon himself observed that he rarely addressed the doctrine of eschatology, yet through the years he delivered quite a few messages. It is Spurgeon’s textual style of preaching, in which he examines all the facets of a text itself and expands on those words, with excellent insights, application, and practical considerations.

Blood Moons
End Times – Prophecy by
Richard A. Volunteer
Description The news about the Blood Moon appearing at the end of the month has some Christians excited. They believe the Blood Moon is a direct sign from God and a biblical fulfillment of prophecy. All of the scriptures refer to the moon turning blood red as a heavenly sign the end times are fast approaching. Numerous “Blood Moon” events have occurred throughout history since those passages were written, but some believe the Blood Moon prophecy is just as relevant as ever. Some preachers claim a large number of Blood Moon eclipses in recent years are just one of many signs that the end of the world is drawing closer and could happen in the near future.

Winston Churchill -The Watchman
Rome and the U.S.A. by
Gerald Flurry
Winston Churchill was an exceptional watchman who saved the Western world from impending demise due to his foresight. Owning his trajectory, Winston stood his position when the world was on the brink of Chaos. Winston occupied the profiles of an educated soldier, a Prime Minister, a writer, painter, historian and a prolific politician renowned for saving Europe’s liberal democracy from fascism. Winston was a highly praised social reformer who took on the task of dealing with disputes. He established principles of minimum wages, giving women the vote and libraries for the prisoners. Winston forwarded reforms covering education, welfare, agriculture, housing and employment throughout his life. By sea, land or air – Churchill was never afraid to offer his toil, blood, sweat and tears for his people despite the long path unwinding ahead of him. His speeches were an inspiration for the nation and, his only resolve was to fight on.

The Modern Romans
Rome and USA by
Rome fell – a fact of history! But why? The reasons have never been fully understood. The lessons have not been learned. Many of the same basic mistakes that weakened the once mighty Roman Empire before its toppling by barbarian hordes are now being repeated in America, Britain and the Western world. You need to understand! This booklet contains a shocking message – a warning for our day. And unless our peoples and nations wake up and immediately alter their course, they will – in modern fashion, and much more rapidly – suffer a similar crashing downfall!

Awake Bride
General Eschatology by
Eve Clarity
Awake Bride; Bible scriptures regarding end-times are juxtaposed with the love relationship God has with His people through the feasts and the Hebrew betrothal and wedding traditions. Several charts and maps are included. Author’s position is post-tribulation rapture.

The Last Days – A Literal Interpretation
Excellent Exposition of Revelation by
We have been acquainted on what to possibly happen during the last days – referring to the Second Coming of Christ, but our inquisitiveness makes us eager to know and discover more.
The Last Days – A Literal Interpretation allows the reader to have profound understanding on the various end-time prophecies including the Revelation’s Order of Events that will lead to the Coming of Jesus. The book explains well different interpretations from the most popular to almost unknown. It entirely corresponds to our interest to find out details to the Final Resurrection and Judgment Day. This book aims to give us honest and useful Biblical explanation.
As a reader, may we find answers to our questions regarding the end-time prophecies and may we all be ready for Him.