Letters to Seven Churches
Commentary on Revelation by
W.M. Ramsey
Letters to Seven Churches;This edited and updated edition of Ramsay’s classic work has, except for the omission of a lengthy poem in chapter 14, left the original material intact. The language and style were updated for the modern reader, modern place names were used, and a modern translation is the source of scripture citations. Notes especially have been updated and corrected, and fuller bibliography is provided whenever possible. Photographs and diagrams from the original are retained. Anyone interested in Asia Minor or the book of Revelation will find this resource invaluable.

The Apocalypse
Commentary on Revelation by
Dr E.W. Bullinger
“The Apocalypse;Greed, terrorism, and simple bad luck conspire to bring mankind to its knees as a viral infection spreads out of control, reducing those infected to undead horrors that feed upon the rest.
It’s a time of misery and death for most, however there are some who are lucky, some who are ruthless, and some who are just too damned tough to go down without a fight. This is their story.
What the readers say about the #1 Amazon thriller: The Apocalypse:
“”No frills, just raw and earnest fear.”” David Powel, author
“”The characters have depth, and meaning.

The AntiChrist
Coming World Leader – Man of Sin by
A.W. Pink
The Antichrist is an in-depth study of who and what the Antichist is or will be. Arthur W. Pink traces all biblical references to the Antichrist including the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Revelation. This provides us with a vivid image of the evil one as well as a window into the evil acts that he will perpetrate. A. W. Pink shows the development of the idea that the system of the Roman papacy is the Antichrist and demonstrates it as an error resulting from the papacy’s persecution of Christians in the middle ages.

A Woman Rides the Beast
End Times Events by
Dave Hunt
“A Woman Rides the Beast;Are you missing half the story about the last days? Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist―but he is only half the story. Many people are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy―a woman who rides the beast.
Who is this woman? Tradition says she is connected with the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with Protestants worldwide. “The Catholic church has changed” is what we hear.

Hope For The America
Hope for the Americas Last Generation by
Galyn Wiemers
Hope for the America;Cultures experience deterioration over a four generation period before they collapse. History and Scripture describe the character of each of these four generations. This book pinpoints where we are in the timeline of history and explains how we got there. Galyn Wiemers speaks to our rapidly declining culture, describing steps we can take to avoid God’s judgment. These steps don’t include the familiar call for more Christians to evangelize; but rather, for people of all faiths to return to the God-designed institutions of individual responsibility, marriage, family, government, and nationality.

Rome and the USA
Rome and the USA by
“While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand; When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall; And when Rome falls – the World.” Lord Byron. This essay will discuss the similarities of military, economics and systems of government between the Roman Empire of the 6th century BCE and the United States of America of the 20th century. History has revealed that all superpowers fall eventually, although much time has passed since the glory days of Rome we see largest superpower in charge, the United States.