Book of Enoch
Reference by
RH Charles
The Book of Enoch, by CH Charles written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs.
Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgement, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.

Babylonian Talmud in Selection
Reference by
Leo Auerbach
One of the most significant religious texts in the world, The Talmud is a compilation of the teachings of major Jewish scholars from the classic period of rabbinic Judaism.
In a range of styles, including commentary,parables, proverbs, and anecdotes, it provides guidance on all aspects of everyday life. This selection of its most illuminating passages
makes accessible to modern readers the centuries of Jewish thought contained within.

Reference by
Fred Coulter
The Harmony of the Gospels provides a simplified narrative of Christ’s life. The real chronology of Jesus’ life has been faithfully represented using the foundation of the Hebrew Calendar, which is synced with the Julian Calendar. Minister Fred Coulter wrote this expansive chronology with the aim of diluting God’s existence and His Word to the world of human concepts and thinking for easier, thoughtful digestion.
In Harmony of the Gospels, the Holy Scriptures, which God inspired to be recorded and preserved for humanity, have been revised to the same level as Christian manuscripts. The book includes extensive subject and Scriptural bibliographies, along with graphically designed charts that simplify chronological occurrences. With graphic illustrations, Coulter has painted an imaginative yet conceivable narrative of the inspired life of Christ.

Harmony of the Gospels
Reference by
A.T. Robertson
For more than ageneration John A. Broadus’ great work has gone through many editions. Professor Robertson has re-written and re-arranged Broadus’ book using the
Revised Version of the Bible while brining all the light of recent research on the Gospels. College and Seminary students,
Preachers and all Bible students will find this new harmony unequalled for study purposes.

Dictionary of Biblical Names
Reference Book by
JB Jackson
In the middle of pursuing his studies in the Bible, J.B. Jackson came across the dilemma; a considerable proportion of the Bible remains untranslated when we read in the context of Proper names. Believing that there is no idle word in God’s book, J.B. Jackson started preparing an orderly inventory of Proper names from the Old and the New Testaments. He expressed that all scriptures are a direct source of inspiration from God and an indispensable source of wisdom and doctrines that cannot be ignored. J.B Jackson has published his results in this book after securing every possible and accurate rendering of Proper names, hoping that it will benefit others who share in his interest. J.B. Jackson went straight to the root of the Proper name, drawing from its original language and authoritative sources. Jackson has undergone thorough researches to prepare these etymologies. This book reflects his struggle and persistence.

Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke by
Noel Due
The Gospel of Luke covers the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension. Noel Due’s Gospel of Luke unlocks discoveries and learning from this part of the Scripture. Due successfully awaken reader’s interest in his writing style and delivery of information. This book presented the intertwined connection between the Acts of the Apostles and Luke’s Gospel. Both were addressed to a Christian named Theophilus and were supposed to provide a complete and well-authenticated narrative of the early history of the Christian movement. They were written by the same author and for the same goal. Many biographies of Jesus were written based on eyewitness stories, according to Luke’s introduction to the gospel. As true Christian, may this book strengthen our faith and sense of eagerness to know God better.

Comparing Luke and Matthew
Understanding Luke by
Frank Nelte
The love of Scriptures involves exploring and correlating gospels. Comparing Luke and Matthew by Frank Nelte focuses on the content of the four accounts of Jesus’ life and mission.
This book mainly focuses on Matthew and Luke’s gospel stories as an example of two gospels sharing content while having different theological focuses. The text of each gospel identifies and substantiates the overarching themes of both gospels. Frank Nelte highlighted that readers need to be clear on which parts of the Bible are “inspired” and which parts are not, and even what elements are merely expressions of the respective authors’ thoughts? Nelte stated that all of the Bible’s writings had the finest of intentions when it came to presenting what is proper and true. As a reader and believer, may this book encourages us to keep learning the Bible.

Introducing the World of the New Testament
Canonization, Sources and Major Players by
This book serves as an introduction to the history, theology and literature of early Christianity, written to inspire and support students. A responsible text for twenty-first-century believers, it captures the excitement of early Christians and transmits them to the faithful today. The book acts as a passageway from biblical times to modern times, placing the New Testament in today’s context. A highly readable and accessible guide written by a distinguished scholar, this book is for students seeking answers to Christianity. Large or small, the author discusses a range of related subjects, from the purpose of the New Testament, its understanding in modern times, the meaning of resurrection, Paul’s controversial letters, the Gospels to practical ways enabling believers today to live lives as in the era of Jesus and the apostles. The book curates decades of research and writings in one volume to open the reader’s eye to the bigger picture.”